Mistakes Were Made

Start from the beginning

Ash's POV (About 20 minutes later)

"I need to go find Serena and properly apologise for what I said." I thought to myself. I made my way with Braixen to the Pokemon Center. I assumed she wouldn't just up and leave completely without her partner Pokemon. Although both me and Braixen were shocked because when we went back inside, Serena was no where to be found. I began to grow concerned, she would not just leave would she? "Aggghhhhhhhh!!!" My thoughts were abruptly stopped when a shrill scream erupted outside. The voice was unmistakable. "Serena!!" I called out sprinting out of the entrance, Braixen following at a manageable pace.

Serena's POV (Minutes before)

I walked out of the Pokemon Center with Pikachu content in my arms. I needed to clear my head. I was sure to hold Pikachu from below his arms so I don't put pressure on his injured one. We walked through a short passage of trees into a nice clearing with low grass and several boulders. There were a few Pokemon gathered in the area who quickly scattered into the surrounding brush as we entered.

I sat down on one of the rocks, Pikachu jumped out of my arms onto the rock parallel to mine. He looked at me with an inquisitive expression. I sighed. "I don't know what to do." Pikachu continued to watch me. "You know I was actually gonna confess to him back there." Pikachu's eyes widened and he squeaked happily. He then began making heart symbols with his tiny fingers. I began to blush slightly. "Don't say anything to him, besides he clearly doesn't feel the same." Pikachu began to shake his head. I looked at him for a second before considering the tiny possibility.

"You don't mean he actua-" Suddenly, Pikachu was lifted up by a mechanical arm with great speed. He flew up and ended up next to an all to familiar trio. They only managed to get halfway through their annoying motto before Pikachu was releasing thunderbolts to try and get free. It was no use and they laughed at his wasted effort. "Team Rocket, let Pikachu go, can't you see he is hurt?!" I shouted out in anger. "Quiet down twerpette, your hardly in any position to make demands." Replied the long pink haired Jessie. Then Inkay and Gourgeist were released behind me. I reached for my waist to retrieve Braixen's pokeball but then I remembered I left her with Ash and Pancham and Sylveon were still in my bag. So I did the only thing I thought would be useful in such a dire situation... I screamed as loud as my lungs would allow.

Ash's POV (Present)

I continued my effortless sprint to the origin point of Serena's scream. Braixen managing to keep up began to call out like me. "SERENA?" "BRAIXEN?" Our voices echoed out. We came to a small passage through a natural green brush. We slowed our pace into a clearing and I stopped in my tracks at the sight before me. Serena was bound and being held by Team Rocket with Pikachu in one of their containment units. "Ash!" "Pika!" Serena and Pikachu cried in relief. My concern grew ever higher. "Team Rocket let my friends go!" I yelled. "Not a chance twerp." Meowth said. "Okay Inkay" "Lets go Gourgeist" Jessie and James said in unison. I reached for my belt and sent out Greninja. "Ninja." He uttered before landing before me as the white summoning light dissipated around him. "Don't try anything stupid, we still have your little girlfriend here remember?" Jessie said with a hint of malice in her evil voice.

Both me and Serena blushed at this, our gazes met and the seriousness in both our eyes said this was not the time. All of a sudden Inkay and Gourgeist attacked with psybeam and dark pulse. "Dodge it Greninja and counter with water shuriken." Greninja easily evaded the two attacks with a quick and momentous jump upwards. He then whipped his sides forming two sharp aquatic ninja stars and then launching them at their respective targets. A successful hit which left them reeling. "Gourgeist leech seed." Jessie ordered. "Greninja use cut and knock those seeds out of the air." I yelled in response. Greninja expertly devastated all of the projectile seeds with very little effort. " Now finish up with water pulse." Energy built up between his amphibious appendages as the ball of water was launched at the two Pokemon who screamed as an explosion occurred. Both Pokemon were knocked out.

Serena saw a chance and struggled at Jessie's grasp. "Let me go." She yelled. Annoying little twerpette keep your mouth shut." Jessie slapped Serena across the face sending her hurtling to the ground. She cracked off the floor and yelled in pain. I felt something in me snap at the sight of this as I gave a glare more terrifying then the one Serena gave Wulfric at the gym. Jessie reeled slightly but chuckled. Braixen called out in concern and attempted to make her way over to Serena. Meowth immediately attacked her with fury swipes causing her to fall to the ground in pain and her crutch falling to the side. Greninja looked in her direction and I immediately felt the rage build up in him. He called out a shout at Team Rocket. That connection was flaring again. He got a similar look to me and looked back. We both nodded. The connection reached its peak as we became in sync. The connection took its form around Greninja. Water began swirling around him in a rushed torrent of violent energy. His appearance changed to match my own. We were one. We were Ash-Greninja.

Team Rocket looked at us in utter fear. "The twerps Greninja evolved?"The three said in unison. I smirked and I could feel Greninja do the same. "Greninja, use water pulse, make them pay for hurting Serena and Braixen." I yelled. Greninja shot forward directly towards Meowth at incalculable speed. He smashed directly into him with the ball of of torrential energy sending him sailing into James who both flew into the basket of their balloon. Greninja began helping up Braixen who was only suffered minor injuries. He retained his form but the torrent had dissipated. I looked away from them and was shocked again when Jessie pulled Serena onto the balloon with Pikachu. "Serena no!" I yelled running towards them. I was too late as the balloon was too high for me to reach. Braixen and Greninja released flamethrower and water pulse into the inflated weak spot. The balloon flew down behind the trees probably about a mile away. Tho entire area was forest. "Greninja, Braixen lets go we need to find Serena and Pikachu." They nodded and we ran into the wilderness into the direction of the crash. "I'm coming Serena." I said in a quiet determined tone.

Serena's POV

I landed in the twisted branches of an oran berry tree. "I hate Team Rocket, thank Arceus I survived that fall." I thought as I made my way down the tree. I brushed myself off at the bottom and then felt the stinging pain of the slap I received earlier. "I REALLY hate Team Rocket." I said out loud. "Pika Pi." I heard as a response behind me. There was Pikachu relatively unharmed in the containment unit. He landed on his side. He must have smashed on a hard surface because there was a vulnerable crack on the side of the device. "Hang on Pikachu, lets get you out of there." He simply nodded. I looked around for something to help break the device. I picked up a small stone and walked back to Pikachu. I gave him a reassuring smile. He closed his eyes. Ok. 'THWACK' a resounding noise was let off but it seemed to have no effect. I thought for a second. "Pikachu try to use iron tail on the same spot as me." I stated. "Pika." "Three, two, one... Now!" I yelled in a determined voice. We repeatedly attacked the vulnerability and after several attempts, we busted it open. "Alright!" I celebrated as Pikachu jumped into my arms hugging me in thanks. "Pika Pi." "No prob, now lets try to find Ash and get out of this forest. We made our way through the brush away from our crash site. "Please find us Ash"

Well this was a fun chapter to write. I hope you guys enjoy it as it was the biggest one in this story so far. Team Rocket are now out of the picture but the danger isn't gone yet. Please comment your opinions and vote on this chapter and stay tuned for the next.

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