I write a song

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I looked outside my window. The clouds kept gathering in the sky, threatening to rain any moment. I sighed. Stupid rain, stupid clouds. Stupid, stupid, stupid. The thing is, they don't apologize for ruining a perfectly planned day with friends. I scrunched my nose in disgust when I saw our neighbour, Mrs. Sayes, enter the apartment building. She was plump and stout and she always smelled of kitty litter.(no offence). Not that I have anything against her, I just bear a grudge against Snowy, her sonny.(hey I rhymed). Now he was one annoying beast. Always managing to find his way into our bathroom. Weird cat. Unfortunately, our own snow white dog, well poodle, is always asleep when that happens. Just my luck. The sky grew darker as the clouds blocked the sun.

As I was staring, my brother entered with his guitar. He started teaching me last spring. It was really fun to sit in the living room and practice with him. Now, I didn't feel like practising. Thanks to this storm, my friends wouldn't be able to come over. We play every weekend at this coffee shop that pays very well. Zach, asked us to meet here so we could discuss this new song he wrote buuut, mr. rain said no, so no. He plopped in the couch next to me and strummed to get my attention. "hey!" I protested. "come on. I'm sure your friends will be here after the rain and you need to practice." he said. Of course I needed to practice. But not blow my ear drums in.

"Fine." I said. I went over to my desk and picked my guitar. It was an electric purple and white guitar. I don't know why mom insisted on purple when I told her Max was going to teach me. "What song are we practising?" I asked. "I wrote a song for Cally. Wanna here it?"he asked. Cally was his girlfriend. They started dating about a month ago and yeah, they're a boring couple.

"Um, no. I think I'll write my own song." I said. "Based on the weather." "Chloe, come on. I'll help you." he said dead serious. I sighed. I might as well cooperate.

"That was awesome. My little sister's growing up." he said when I was done playing. "it's a duet." I told him. "Cool. you'll be singing with Zach and the rest of the band?" he asked. I nodded and looked outside on the terrace through the glass deck doors. The doorbell rang. " Cally's here." he announced and left the room. The rain had stopped now and people were starting to fill the streets. So much for a new song.

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