Why Do Some Men Hit Women?

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After living in an abusive home for 7 years, not only has it made me fear relationships, it also has made me fear that all men are like that.

And I shouldn't. I want to be able to say no not all men are like that. There are some good ones but I've only ran into some bad ones.

Is it something about me? Do I attract horrible men? Why do I attract those kind of men? Why do those men want to hurt women?

Men that hurt women aren't men. And when you tell me to respect you because you are a man and my dad, doesn't make me respect.

I don't respect men that think it's okay to hit a woman. Especially if there's a difference in strength and size.

I don't respect men that call women bitches "because most of them act that way". We are not dogs. You don't respect us at all.

Yes there are good men out there but where? And why don't they outnumber the bad men?
Why can't those type of guys live without controlling others? 

Because they have to remain top dog to not only the woman but his friends.He has to assert his place and king of the jungle when in all reality the lioness runs him and he doesn't have a problem.

So why do those men hurt women? It can make the strongest women weak and that hurts.

It hurts to see the strongest person you know end up becoming weak at the hands of your father.

Yes you may say " The men that hurt women does not outnumber the ones that don't." But I guess that I just don't know anymore. I guess, because that's all that has been around me ever since I was 10, that's what I've come to think.

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