I inched over and sat face to face with her. "I've never hated you" I said honestly. "I just hated the way you treat me." I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly. "I've always loved you mother and that will never change. I just wish that you would stop hating me. I'm sure Alex would want us to get along."

My mother started to cry. "I'm sorry."

We all sat crouched on the floor hugging until my mother had calmed down. When we finally stood back up, my father asked "So, will someone please tell me what the hell is going on here?"

My mother and I chuckled and I said "It's a very long story."

My father got a little upset and screamed "I don't care! Just tell me!"

My mother patted him on the back and said "Why don't we talk over lunch."

I smiled and said "That sounds nice."

Sunggyu POV

We made a simple meal for Angela and decided that it would be best to leave so that she could rest. We went to an amusement park and fooled around. Then we went to the mall to do a bit of shopping. As we passed a jewelry store, a piece caught my eye.

"What is it Hyung?" Myungsoo said as he looked over my shoulder.

I blushed. "It's nothing" I said.

"Why don't you just go and buy it? We'll wait here" he smiled and the others waved me off.

I smiled and said "Be right back." I quickly went inside and made my purchase. I came out with a huge grin on my face and was immediately teased by the guys.

We continued shopping and then made our way back to the hotel. When we got inside, we noticed that Angela had already eaten the meal we had prepared for her. I put down my bags and went into the bedroom to check on her, only to find it empty. I looked around nervously, but her bags were still where we had left them. Then I looked at the nightstand and noticed that she had left a note.


I know that you are probably really worried right now, but don't be. Everything is fine ;)  Don't worry, I didn't run away while you were gone. I had something I needed to take care of, but I'll be back.  I promise that I won't try to leave like that again.  Thank everyone for the meal, it was delicious!

I Love You

I came back out of the room in a daze and Myungsoo asked "How is she?"

I smiled and said "She seems to be fine."

"If that is the case, then where is she?" Myungsoo asked insistently.

"She left a note saying that she had an errand to run, but that she will be back." I placed my hand on his shoulder and said "She also said that the food was delicious."

"Was that all?" he asked. I blushed and shook my head. "Well... What else did she say in the note?"

I started smiling like an idiot and giggling. Myungsoo grabbed the note out of my hand and read it out loud so that the guys could hear. Just as he was about to read the last three words, he looked up at me and flashed an evil little grin. He changed his expression immediately and started using his aegyo. "I Love You" he said as he poked my cheeks. 

Angela POV

I went out for lunch with my parents and told them everything that had happened over the past few weeks. How rose had invited me to visit, that I met Infinite by chance and that I was now traveling with them.

"What about your job?" my father asked.

"About that..." I smiled "I know you meant well when you asked your friend to hire me, but I'm afraid that his staff may have gotten the wrong idea."

"Still, you shouldn't give up on your career" my mother said very attentively.

I smiled and said "Honestly, I don't think that path was right for me. I just did it to pay the bills. I wasn't really interested in it."

"So, what are you going to do now?" my father asked.

"For now, I just want to relax and do what makes me happiest."

"And that would be?" he interrogated.

I started smiling more and chuckled. "Right now I'm happy traveling with Infinite as their cook."

"It seemed like more than that to me" my mother said raising an eyebrow and giggling.

I blushed. "Mom!"

"What do you mean by that?" my father nervously asked. "What don't I know?"

"It seems that one of those young men is a bit closer to our daughter than the rest of them" she smiled.

My father turned to me and said "I don't recall giving you permission to date?"

"I don't recall you saying I couldn't date when you left me all by myself at fifteen" I joked.

We all laughed. It was nice spending time with them like this. It felt like we were a real family again.

We finished eating and my parents brought me back to the hotel. "I'm not saying I approve of you dating" my father stated and I smiled. "I'll wait until I meet him before I say anything."

"He seemed like quite the gentleman to me" my mother chimed in.

"Why don't you come up and meet him now" I suggested.

My parents looked at each other and nodded. "Lead the way" my father said with a smile.

My Lost Phone Found Me Love [Infinite Fanfic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora