Part 20

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Angela POV

I hate it when they tease me like this.

"Ya! Myungsoo! Toss it over here!" Sunggyu call out from behind me.

Myungsoo tossed the envelope right over my head. I tried to get it, but missed. I turned quickly to face Sunggyu and ended up falling on top of him.

"Well, isn't this a lovely sight" Woohyun said insinuatingly from the couch.

We both looked up and saw that everyone was smiling. Then we looked at each other and blushed. I immediately tried to get off of him, but suddenly found that I couldn't move. Sunggyu had wrapped his arms around my waist and was holding me in place.

I heard Rose squealing and the guys gasping. I couldn't help but blush considering the situation. Sunggyu looked me in the eyes and whispered "I love you" before leaning forward and kissing me passionately.

Myungsoo POV

What the hell does he think he is doing? I ran over and pulled her away from him. I know I've accepted their relationship, but I can't help the way I feel.

I picked up the envelope and handed it to Angela. "We should get going or we might miss the ferry."

Angela POV

I don't know why I felt so disappointed. My mind was going a mile a minute. If it hadn't been for Myungsoo, I'm sure one of my dirty little thoughts would have played out.

Myungsoo handed me the envelope and said "We should get going or we might miss the ferry."

I looked at my watch and realized that he was right. If we didn't leave soon, we wouldn't have enough time to drop off the envelope before going to the ferry.

I looked at Sunggyu and blushed. We all got ready and left.

Meanwhile at the Office

"Has anyone heard from that Bitch yet?" The manager screamed as he walked out of his office.

The office staff looked at each other nervously. Then one of the pretty girls stood up and said "I don't know how she can be so arrogant. Just because the CEO likes her a little, doesn't mean she can get away with this!"

"Thank you Julie," he said appreciatively as he placed his hand on her shoulder. "The rest of you should speak your mind like her."

"Oh, Mr. Roberts" Julie said happily.

Mr. Roberts looked around the room one last time and said "If anyone hears from her, let me know immediately!" Then he stormed back into his office while Julie turned and proudly strutted back to her desk.

Angela POV

When we arrived at the office, I got out of the van and said "I'll be right back."

Sunggyu grabbed my arm and said "Not without us."

He started to get out of the van. I tried to stop him. "They don't like tons of visitors."

Then Myungsoo got out and said "Then just the three of us will go."

Why can't these guys just trust me? "Fine, Myungsoo and Sunggyu can come, but the rest of you have to wait here!" I said sternly.

Back at the Office

"Hey Julie!" another pretty girl called out as she entered the office. "Look what I got!" she said as she waved an envelope high in the air.

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