Part 2

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Rose POV

I was bummed enough as it was because I couldn't get tickets to see Infinite, but now my boss called and said my vacation was revoked.

I was really looking forward to this vacation too. I had it all planned out. I would get Angela to come and visit and we would go and see Infinite together. I know she doesn't follow Kpop or any other form of popular music, but I thought it would be nice to do something for her and just maybe she might like it.

She had always been the type to keep to herself ever since she was young, but for some reason she and I became good friends. I remember the first time we met too. I had just moved, yet again, and it was in the middle of the school year too. All the popular kids were picking on me when she came over and told them off. She helped me up and told me where the school office was. Then she just went on her way.

I remember thinking that she was the most awesome kid at the time. When I got to my classroom I saw all the kids that had picked on me and I got scared. The teacher walked in behind me and said "Okay, class! Take your seats!" and everyone rushed to find their place. "We have a new student joining us today. She just moved here from California, so lets all make her welcomed." She announced to the class. Then she turned to me and said "Okay Rose, why don't you take the empty seat next to Angela" as she pointed to the back of the room. I looked and saw that she was pointing at the girl who had helped me. I immediately smiled and rushed off to my seat. From that day on, I followed her around until she agreed to be my friend. It has been eighteen years since that day.

I arrived at the news room for the morning brief and was told that I needed to be at the airport by noon because Infinite was supposed to be arriving and I was the only one who knew what they looked like. I quickly looked at my watch and screamed "Why didn't you tell me sooner? I got to go now!"

I rushed to the airport in hopes that I would make it in time. I parked the car, grabbed the camera and rushed to find Infinite. I hoped I hadn't missed them and it looked like my prayers were answered. As I entered the lobby, I found myself in the midst of a crowd of fans. I turned the camera on just as Infinite appeared. Thank God I made it in time.

The mob of fans broke apart as the members made their way to the vans. I packed up my camera and headed for the car. "I wonder if Angela is still here." I started the car and drove to the arrivals pick up area. I didn't expect to see her, but I did.

"Yo, Angela!" I called out to her. Then I ran up to her and gave her a hug.

"What are you doing here? I thought you couldn't make it!" She smiled happily.

"Apparently, the reason my vacation was canceled was because I was needed here." I laughed.

Angela POV

"I guess it was a good thing that jerk stole my cab, otherwise I would have missed you." I smiled.

"Someone stole your cab?" She asked.

"It's no biggie. Are you finished or do you still have work to do?" I asked.

"All I have to do is drop the stuff off at the office and turn the tape in for editing. After that, we can do whatever you want." She beamed. I had to admit, I really did miss having her around. She was the only one who understood me. It was nice to be back home again.

As she drove, she told me about all the concerts she attended and the musicians she had met, but I really wasn't paying attention.

"I really wanted to go to the Infinite concert tomorrow, but I couldn't get tickets." She sighed

She was always telling me about this group or that group, that it was really hard to keep them all straight. Especially when she started talking about Kpop. "Is that the group with like twelve members or something?"

"No," she replied "the one with twelve is Super Junior. Infinite only has seven members."

She was used to the fact that I didn't know much about Kpop, so she didn't get too angry about my little mistakes. "I'm sorry Rose, I know you hate it when I don't remember this stuff." I apologized.

"It's okay Angela, I know you prefer books to Music Videos." Suddenly a phone began to ring. "Aren't you going to answer that?"

"That's not my ring tone" I replied.

"Well the sound is coming from your purse."

I opened my purse and pulled out the jerk's phone and nervously answered it. "Hello?"

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