8: Come Over

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Jeongguk rolled his eyes and got into Taehyungs car. This is the first time that Jeongguk has ever willingly seen a guy more than once in a very long time. Frankly, he wasn't sure if it was a good or a bad decision because well, it's Kim Taehyung after all. Although Jeongguk doesn't know anything about Taehyung's play boy ways, he could only guess thanks to what television has taught him. Nonetheless he did have so much fun during Taehyung's second chance, the amusement park brought out the hidden personalities of both the boys. Jeongguk felt happy for the first time and Taehyung felt caring towards the young one.

Once the two stood in front of the door to the flat, Taehyung actually felt nervous and hesitated before grasping the door knob.

"Dude you're being weird, hurry up." The younger had no patience at all for Taehyungs dramatization.

"Yo Jimin, I'm home!" Taehyung's deep voice erupted throughout the apartment, annoying a certain someone.

"Could you be any louder." A petite girl with a tracksuit and a bowl of cereal at hand walked out from the kitchen. Even though her hair was kept into place with a chopstick, she had the aura to melt any straight man with her long jet black hair, contrasting with her pale skin and vivid natural pink lips. But unfortunately for the ten percent of straight men around her, she's taken.

"Hey Evelyn!" Taehyung threw a unique smile her way.

Jeongguk who was hiding behind Taehyung slowly walked into Evelyn's view, "Oh did you guys go for a walk after sex? How cute!" Evelyn sarcastically cheered causing Jeongguks eyebrows to rise a notch in suspicion.

"Eve," Taehyung goggled his eyes at Evelyn "I would like to introduce Jeongguk, my... my um-"

Jeongguk decided to help Taehyung out in the awkward situation. "Friend. Hello nice to meet you."

"Hmm, Taehyung doesn't have any friends except for us, so I'm gonna go ahead and say y'all have a thing. How cute."

Taehyung tried to suppress the smirk invading his lips from Evelyn's comment.

"Anyway, nice to meet you too, I'm Jimin's roommate slash second bestie, you could call me Eve." And with that she walked into the living room before plopping herself on the couch.

The two boys followed shortly and sat down on the love seat, "where's Jimin?" Asked Taehyung.

"Out." Evelyn deadpanned, not wanting to further converse during her marathon of hello counsellor.

Taehyung pulled out his phone and told Jeongguk to wait before getting up to talk in Jimin's room.

After three short rings Jimin picked up, "Hey what's up?"

"You sound busy?"

"What's up Tae?" Jimin rushed, not wanting to be on the phone too long in front of Yoongi. That would be awkward.

"Listen, come home, I have somebody I want you to meet."


"It's that guy I've been telling you about."


"I think it's getting serious so I want you to meet him."

"You're the biggest fob in the relationship aspect of life, you know that? You knew the kid for three days."

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