Deep Thinking

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Thoughts. Each of us has infinite thoughts charging each neurons in our brain in positive or negative way. We come across many lines & proverbs in our day today lives about positive thoughts, being optimistic etc... etc... So what actually positive thoughts means. I wonder does anybody has the simple answer to this question...

Whenever we come across to this question everybody becomes a counselor. Some says thinking everything good about that situation make you feel positive, others might say think about your loved ones, or think all the good that has happened to you...& believe me it works. All these statements directs us to only 1 thing which is Inner Strength.

Think of a situation where you are going through a bad phase in your life for instance we can take getting fired from your job or having a failed relationship... Everybody must have a little bad or not so good experience in their lives regardless of their age.... So how you will deal with it...

1) You panic, get angry, start cursing, swearing & blaming yourself or others for the situation. (Not at all a good choice...😟)

2) You cry your heart out😢. (Which is definitely a nice option as it relieves you & your stress level is decreased to some extent)

3) You discuss your problem with your loved ones. (This is also a good option as it makes you feel light & restore your self-confidence)

These are the most tried & tested options to come over our 'not so good days' in our lives. Many of you can list more solutions other than this. (which is also one more point, for getting your stress out of your way....😊)

So what u should do other than these things..

Will try to find out the answer of this "question" in the upcoming chapters...☺

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