Chapter Twelve

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Crystal and I walked back to the castle; hand in hand. I smiled as the feel of her soft skin against mine. I craved something like this for a long time. To hold her and kiss her. Those were my main desires.

I looked down at Crystal. I noticed her appearance had changed the last time I had seen her. She had darker hair, if that was possible, and her skin was much paler. Though, the only thing that wasn't different were her eyes. They still sparkled blue and shone with confidence. This new Crystal gave an aura of light and happiness. And she still smelled like dazzling Vanilla, which I love so much.

"Draco," she said softly.


"I think we should stop." She said.

Abruptly, she stopped walked and squeezed my hand tighter. I raised an eyebrow at her, but she only frowned.

A couple seconds later, their was an earsplitting scream from ahead. Crystal trembled at what was happening ahead. Katie Bell was being suspended up in the air and whipped around, like a rag doll. I then realized what had happened. Katie had touched the cursed necklace I gave her to deliver to Dumbledore.

I cursed under my breath, turning around. Crystal stumbled behind me, trying to keep up. I walked faster through the snow.I felt Crystal's grip loosen from around as I sped down the path faster.

"Draco!" Crystal called out. "Where are you going?"

I turned around. "I don't want to be over there."

"Why?" She asked. "They're gone."

I sighed, walking towards her and grabbed her hand fiercely. Luckily the bystanders had left and I dragged Crystal down back to Hogwarts. I kept grinding my teeth. What was I supposed to do now? If that didn't work, what else can I do? And will it hopefully, succeed?

"Draco stop!" Crystal yanked out of my death grip.

She stood, her arms crossed, glaring at me. I sighed, leaning against a tree, watching her. I knew she would question my actions back there. I would simply lie.

"What happened back there?" She inquired.

I sighed. "You know me and Potter aren't on good terms, so-"

"I don't think that's the reason you went back."

"Then what is it then?" I smirked.

She looked down. "Maybe, you and Katie had something on? Maybe that's why you went back."

I laughed, leaning my head back. "You really think I would hook up with her?" I raised my voice. "How could I date another, when I had someone else on my mind."

She relaxed her shoulders. "Who?"

I chuckled, grabbing her wrists. "Some girl named Crystal."

"Do I know her?" She smiled, slightly.

"Maybe," I smiled "But I'm sure you'd love her."

"Really?" She walked closer to me.

"Yeah," I said "She's sweet, smart, attractive, beautiful and arrogant."

"I am not arrogant." She protested.

"Sometimes you are," I smirked "but I like it."

She bit her lip, as I leaned in closer. She chuckled, putting a finger to my lips from making mine glide with hers.

"No Draco," She smiled "someone could see us."

I smirked. "I don't really care."

This time I pushed her up against the tree, gripping her wrists, so she couldn't stop me. I locked her legs, from kicking me, with mine. I leaned down letting her plush lips collide with mine. At first, she didn't kiss back, and struggled to pull away. But, see as I was the Male, she gave up. I smiled into the kiss as she kissed back.

"Hello Crystal, Draco." A voice said.

Crystal gasped as we separated. I whipped around, now standing a couple feet away from her. Crystal was staring at the ground, trying to hide her blushing cheeks. I smirked looking to the person, but was relived only to see Ashley.

"Hello Ashley." I said, calmly. I moved closer to Crystal, grabbing her hand.

Ashley raised her eyebrow. "Did I interrupt something?"

"No," Crystal spoke "this proves to Draco that its dangerous to show affection in public."

"Well, sorry to interrupt," Ashley said "but grandfather would like to let you know that Alice is here."

"Alice?' Crystal practically fainted as the looks of it.

Ashley nodded. She told us that we were allowed to visit her up at Dumbledore's office. Crystal and I raced through the halls to Dumbledore's office. Crystal practically yelled out the password when we got to the gargoyle and clamored up the stairs. She gave a small knock at the door and it immediately swung open.

Inside, Dumbledore was conversing with a girl. She had brunette hair and hazel eyes. She was also quite tan and tall. Crystal raced to her sister and engulfed her in a hug. I smiled, closing the door behind us.

"Hello Crystal, Draco." Dumbledore praised us.

I nodded in his direction ,but to my surprise Crystal hugged him so hard, he might of died.

"Thank you so much grandfather." Crystal spoke.

My eyes widened. Albus Dumbledore was Crystal Evans granddaddy? I groaned slightly in frustration. I had to kill Dumbledore. If I didn't he would kill me. If I did, Crystal would hate me. I made small plans in my head, not realizing someone was talking to me.

"Huh?" I asked.

"I'm Alice, and you must be Draco."Alice spoke to me.

I nodded, holding out my hand for her to shake. Which she did. "Nice to meet you Alice."

"I've heard a lot about you."

I looked at Crystal. "I bet you have."

The girls laughed, like a melodic symphony. "Yes," Alice said "I just just hope you don't hurt her in any way or I will pound you to a pulp."

I didn't know how to respond, but laughed. Mirthlessly.

"Crystal, I have to talk to you." Alice became serious.

Crystal nodded. "Draco could you leave?"

I nodded as she kissed my cheek and pushed me out the door. I sighed, rubbing my eyes.

I didn't know what to do.

So I did all I could do.

I ran.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2011 ⏰

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