Chapter Twelve

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Shelby's POV

I was dying.

I could barely see, there was so much blood running down my face, and I could feel it as it dripped out of me. My stomach was ripped to shreds, my arms, my chest, my back, my legs, my arms, my face, every part of my body was destroyed and bleeding. I was bleeding out, and I knew I didn't have much left in me. "Oh no, stay with me just a bit longer sweetheart." Came Vincent's voice. I managed enough strength to look up and see him coming towards me again, his right hand and claws were covered in dried blood, my blood. "You're not gonna stop the fun already are you?" He asked me in mock sadness. "Fuck you." I mumbled. "What was that?" He asked. "I said, Fuck. You." I said, more clearly, and then I spit a mouthful of blood in his face. He wiped it away, growling at me, his eyes flashing red. "You're about to die, you fucking bitch! My face will be the last thing you see." He said. "No it wont. I wont give you that, The last face I see will be the same one you do. Scar's." I said, and I closed my eyes. I thought about my mom, my dad, my little brother, all my old childhood friends, my grandparents and aunts and uncles, my cousins, I thought about Lee and Justin, I thought about TJ, Bryson, Matthew, Darien, Luke, Logan, Alex. I thought about Cameron, and then the last face, the last face that I wanted to see, the last face that my brain and body wanted, needed to see. A face that brought comfort to my broken and torn body.

I thought of Scar. My mate.

If only I had let him in sooner, spent less time being shy, then maybe we would have had better memories, Because no matter how much I denied it, or how much I doubted it, there was no way that Scar wasn't my mate, I could tell by the tingles that would run through my body when I looked at him, the butterflies that I would get when we would make eye contact, and while it may sound like a crush, it was something more.

And if we had been given just a little bit more time, that something would have turned into something even greater.

"Open your eyes." I heard Vincent growl, but I refused, Scar's face right in my mind, as clear as day. "Open. Your. Eyes!" He growled once more, each word punctuated by a slash to the stomach, but still, even though I cried out, I refused to open my eyes. My eyes did fly open however when he shoved his claws deep into me, and I screamed louder then I had in my entire life. He pulled his hand out of me, and blood poured out of me. He laughed. "Where's is Scar now?" He asked me. The sound of shattered glass made Vincent's head snap to the side, and then he and Hunter suddenly took off running. I felt myself being lifted, being hoisted off the hook that held my chains. I cried out as my pain laden body was shifted, even though the person was doing it gently. I was laid on the floor, and by now my body was shaking, and there was nothing I could do. "Call Alex now!" A familiar voice growled. I felt my blood soaked hair being brushed away from my face. "Shelby, Shelby, hey, can you hear me? Can you hear my voice?" The voice asked. I managed to open my eyes, and inches away from me, was Scar, "S-S-Scar." I tried to say, but the blood coming up my throat choked me. "Shh. I'm here. Don't try to speak." He said. "I-I-I-I-I'm s-s-sorry." I got out. "Sorry? What are you sorry for?" He asked me, his voice gentle but pain stricken. "M-M-Mate." I said. "You are my mate. Not Holly, not anyone else in this world. You. Only you." He said. "W-W-W-Wish," I had to take a breath, it was becoming harder to breathe. "W-W-Wish we h-h-had more t-t-time." I said. My vision was growing black, and I no longer felt any pain, I no longer could feel anything other the Scar's arms around me. "More time for what?" He asked. I took a deep breath, wanting this last word to be clear. "Us." I choked, and then the darkness pulled me under.


"Shelby? Shelby!" I said, lightly shaking her. "Scar, her heartbeats gone man, you have to do it. You have to bite her if you want to save her. No one will ever get here in time." Darien said.. "I cant. I cant force her into this life." I said. "She's already in it! She might as well be alive! No one else can do it Scar, you're the only Alpha here, you have to bite her now before it's too late!" Bryson growled. I threw my head back, my fangs sliding out, my eyes changing color, and I growled before I bit her shoulder, the poison of my fangs seeping into her bloodstream. I pulled away from her and I listened, praying to a God that I had never believed in to hear a heart beat.

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