Fun and Games (Chap 10)

Start from the beginning

"Can I help you?" I snapped at him.

"That cat girl. She staying with you... Umm I'm sorry I didn't catch your name?" he smiled creepily (like Gins) I 'tssk'ed at him standing up crossing my arms across my chest, glaring at him before stating/ growling at him.

"I never told you my name, I shouldn't have too. If you are an arrancar you should know who I am." he didn't say anything, he just kept smiling then he started rocking back and forth with his hands behind his back. As if I didn't say anything, I stared at him raising my eyebrow before I growled but then smirkd as I remeber a similar thing happend with Shiva when we first met.


I had asked this chick who she was and what she was doing in the espada monthly meeting, only to have her smile (great another freak that likes to smile... She looks cute well her face, even if her eyes are closed. Cute little sharp canine stuck out over her bottom lip, as she smiles like this). I growled more at my thoughts then at this chicks stupidity. "I asked who you are first kitty-cat!"she said

"KITTY-CAT! I am no fucking kitty! I am the sixth espada, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez. Now answer my fucking question Girl." I yelled at her.

She giggled right next to my ear but before I could react I felt her hand scratch behind my ear. Automaticly I leaned into her hand I could feel something funny rise in my chest, I quickly swippd herhand away growling at her when she gave me a full toothed grin. (as if she knew I liked it and wanted more. How embarrassing!)

"Shiva. My name is Shiva Silvermist. Naww did Kitty-cat like his scratch?" she said in a funny toned voice.

"Argg! DON'T CALL ME THAT! My NAME is GRIMMJOW!" I yelled at her, storming out of the meeting room. I heard her cute... No, no annoying giggle behind me, a small smile touched my lips. Hmm, Shiva Silvermist, that's nice.

~End Flashback~


Shivas POV Argg, my head is killing me. What's on my chest it's heavy? SLAM ouch, that really hurt. I herd someone stomping around, listening as it came closer stoping right next to me. I waited for him to say something or do something, but instead he just stood there. It sounds like he is trying to calm him self, I felt the side of bed go down. Then the thing on my chest growled slightly, oh 'kitty' my big black panther, wait why is he here? Did something happen?

One minute I was relaxing in Grimmjows nice hot bath trying... Really trying... to get rid of the huge head ache. It reminded me of something, I knew I should know what is happening but I just couldn't. That's when everything went blank and I fell. Oh yes that's what happened, he he yer. Ok he still hasn't done anything, I'll say something, or I'll start blushing and he will know im awake.

"Take a picture it might lastlonger." I mentally facepalmed myself, really that's what I said. (Shammeee)

"Oh, your awake. Umm I...I didn't... didn't. Ahem I didn't realise you were awake. How are you feeling?" I couldn't help the blush that came across my face, which only darkened as I opened my eyes slowly seeing his face inches away from my own. I watched as his face also reddened then felt his hot breath on my face, my eyes widened. I couldn't help my eyes left his and slowly trailed down to his lips, watching his tounge flick out feeling my own do the same. I quickly averted my eyes back to his, I slowly sat up and finally answering his question. Unfortunatly I couldn't help my stutter.

"I...I'm f...fine, th...thank y..ou...." I swear my face was as hot as Hi-Kashou s blood (or as red as a tomato). When I realised I was in the bath naked when I fell unconcious. I quickly pushed him off (maybe a little to hard) lifting the blankets I noticed I was still naked and screamed. I felt a warm hand cover my mouth.

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