Fun and Games (Chap 8)

Start from the beginning

Instead I found a pear of stable arms holding me close before getting picked up bridal style. I herd myself repeating over and over "I'm sorry. I almost had her" as I clutched onto the farmiliar person. I awoke in a dark and warm cave like bedroom, I have been here before actually plenty of times (at least once a week) so to say I was farmiliar with it would be an understatment. I smiled as I rolled over looking at the most beautifal creature I had ever layed my eyes on. I only had eyes for him and he only had eyes for me, well that and his "dear little sister". Argh why his sister what was so special about her? I'm the one that has been there for him, I devoted my last fifteen to sixteen years for him and all his stupid quests. I love him, that's why.

I watched as he walked towards me, watching him lick his lips as I automaticly licked mine and started to laugh as he jumped on the bed almost throwing me off. All of a sudden the atmosphere around us seemed to get dark and serious. I noticed his posture had changed aswell, it wasn't as relaxed as it was before. His gaurd was up again and accompanied by his icy demeanor. It reminded me of the first time I met him, he was always cautious and so cold towards everyone.

"Do you remember the first time we met?" I asked only to get a 'Hmm?' back.


Out numbered as she was surrounded by five very tall and very angry farmers. She had managed to evade them for the last two days, only today they managed to catch her due thanks to her inability. (I wish I was strong) was all that ran through her head, as they grabbed her and through her on the ground. She tried to curl up in a fetal position as they continually stomped on her, when she was sent flying ten meters through the air as one of them kicked her. She crashed hard against a tree as blood dripped out the side of her mouth, she tried getting up only to grab her side hunching over. She deffinatly new that some of her ribs were broken, she looked up noticing the farmers started towards her again. As she turned and tried to run she fell face first into a muddy puddle. She barely managed to roll over and take a deep breath as she felt a foot slam down on her chest. Pushing all the air she had just bairly been able to inhale out again acompanied by some droplets of blood. Pain flooded my entire body as the foot was slowly lifted off, watching as the foot was getting lifted higher seeing it stop before start to decent down. I clenched my eyes tightly shut awaiting the inevitable pain but it never came. I slowley opened my eyes squealing as there was a pear of sappire blue eyes stared back at me.

I could not help the small smile that touched my lips as I felt his soft white hair brush against my forhead and my cheeks. He just kept looking blankly at me before getting pulled off me and thrown ten feet, I watched as he landed softly on his feet. I struggled to get into a sitting position when I was pulled into the air, it was the main farmer again. He punched me and if it wasn't for his other hand clutching the collar of my clothes I would have been sent flying.

I watched in horror as he brought his arm back, again I clentched my eyes tight as I watched his fist coming towards my face again. Again nothing happened, I was suddenly dropped however being as week as I was I dropped like a sack of potatos falling unconcious.

2 hours later

I awoke in a pitch black room, all I could smell was blood and mud. I tried to move but was unsuccessful, I tried another two times again unable to. That's when I felt a hand press lightly to my chest.

"You shouldn't move you were pretty beat up! I fixd you up the best I could, don't move!"

"Umm, thank you but you don't know me. Why did you save me?" "Did you want to die?"

"NO! Of cause I didn't WANT to die. Why would you ask that?"

"SHUT UP! Don't yell at me or I'll kick you out."

"I...I'm sorry I... I didn't think. I...I just wanted know why you saved me?"

"You remind me of my little sister. Know go to sleep."

~End Flashback~

I watched as he attended to my wounds, playing with his soft white hair (it had grown twice as long as it was the first time we met.) Just as long as hers now but unlike her his doesn't flicked out at the ends, his was dead straight. So much better then 'hers' I played with the ends of his hair as I pushed myself up onto my elbows giving him a soft peck on the lips. He bent down and softly returned my kiss, I grabbed onto him needingly ravishing his lips as I wrapped my legs around his waist. It took him a while before he started to get in the mood, placing his left hand on my lower back grabbing the back of my neck with his right. Our toungs battled for dominance as his left hand started moving up and down my ass, while his right hand started caressing my left booby.

A/N- lol boob/y sounds alot better then tit well thts wat I recon anyway... Back to the story...

He started kissing me slowly down my neck finding my sweet spot instantly, making me moan softly in his ear.

He snickered at my reaction as he lick all the way up then ba k down my neck, nibbleing on my collar before lightly. Sitting back a little he unstrapped all five of my tiny black belts before unclipping my corset and throwing it... God knows where? (who cares where!) As he slowly ran his hands over my chest and down to her waistline pulling her shorts off before he moved further down the bed taking of my boots.

He got off at the end of the bed slipping out of his shoes and unbuckeled his belt (think black leather) slowly walking around to the side of the bed undoing the button and zipper of his dark navy blue jeans stoping as he smirked down at me. I got up as sexily as I could grabbing the zipper at the top of my jacket I smiled as I slowly unzippd it and let it slide off my shoulders. I grabbed at his big white daggy shirt unbuttoning the four buttons at the top, I grabbed the back of the collor and dragged it over his head thowing it over my head. He ran his hands back and forth lightly over the sides of my body giving me goosebumps. I roughly strockd his scared but beautifully sculpted body before I smirked pulling off both his pants and boxers. I slowly walked back to the bed pulling my bra off, sat on the bed ushering him to me only to find he was already pinning me to the bed. I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my mouth, I sqealed as he tore my panties off. Only causing me to laugh, he gave me his little giggle right next to my ear.

(I loved his giggle. I wish he would laugh, just once). We started kissing again starting gently turning rough fast he grabbed my hips and thrusted deep into me. My moaning and his occasional grunts where all that filled the cave like room for the next half hour, picking up his past as he thrust deeper into me I just couldn't wait as I moaned his name loudly feeling him thust a couple more times before I felt the warmth of his seed filling me.

"OH DAICHI, I love you so much."


Ok well thts tht lol Hopefully not too cheesy, I got a bit lazy n I havnt proof read it yet so hopefully there isnt to ma y mistakes.Oh I did put up some pictures I drew one is of Shiva and the other is her zanpakuto (Hi-Kashou) just incase you were wondering lol o.O ok well stay tuned I guess he he....

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