Fun and Games (Chap 6)

Start from the beginning

I glared as I opened the door about to growl at the person standing there, when he held up a hand then pushed his glasses up. He finally looked up at me from the papers he was holding then smiled apologizing for waking me. I grumbled 'yer fine just get to the point so I can go back to bed'. He nodded before looking back at his paperwork, then up at me again. He seemed to be having trouble telling me what ever it was, then it clicked it must have something to do with Shiva. I must have said the last part out loud as he was then nodding his head.

"It's about the results." He stated (Geez! He loves beating around the bush, really pisses me off.)

"Just get to the point. What about her results? Why do I need to know?" I angrily said to him.

"Ok, Ok well...Her results don't seem to be any different to the results I got back while she was in that comatose state for three days. Which is totally confusing me. I mean there really isn't anything different at all. So when I showed Lord Aizen he said that we need to keep an eye on her and for me to continue doing my tests. So I thought you would want to know... Considering you like her well that and Lords Aizen wishes to see you." He stated matter of factly.

"What makes you think I like her" I asked "It's obvious you like her even Yammy noticed. Lord Aizen is waiting." he said as he turned around and walked away. Stopping two metres away he turned slightlyasking if I had checked her apartment over before leaving her alone, seeing my face he nodded telling me to stop by and check on her.


Shivas POV

After Grimmjow ran off I decided to go down town and do some window shopping, when my stomach started to grumble. Hearing a females light chuckle behind me, I turned around and looked sadly at the blond female espada. She motioned for me to follow her before she turned around and started to walk back down the street we had just came up. I have to admit I was curious as to where she was going to take me so I followed her to a nearby pub. I looked at her with confusion written all over my face before I smirked at her.

"I bet I could beat you at any drinking game you cwould throw at me." I stated rather snuggly.


"Argh..hick...Wh..Why do...hick...I always lloo...loose against" I slurred at him.

"Ah haha, yes well I guess you just can't handle your liquor." He replied only to laugh lightly as he looked down to the sleeping form of the young girl in his lap.

Shunsui Kyōraku was proud at how far this girl has come. He, Yukitake and the captain general Yamamoto had found her a couple years ago covered in dried blood and dirt. She had killed her entire clan, the only person other then her that survived the massacre was her older brother, however he is still missing.

We are unsure if he had a hand in the massicar or if this shy little girl had done it all. He shook his head as he picked her up and took her back to the room she had in his squad barracks (the three man agreed that she would be close by one of them at all times). He laid her on her bed and made himself comfortable on the little couch she had across from her bed. Her room was big that it fit her single dark purple bed on the right with a matching wardrobe at the head in the far right hand corner. A small cream couch opposite the bed, that she had got for anyone that visits and/or stays (mainly myself or Yukitake.) She has a circular purple and light blue rug in the between the bed and couch. I listened as she was mumbling in her sleep, this time it seems she was dreaming about her battle with her zanpakuto spirit. She had told us a detaild description of it and asked questions as she went, which we where happy to answer.

After that she had started extra training with Yamamoto, from what I was told she was good they worked on her shikai. From his reports she's gains twice the strength and speed to her normal. Although her normal strength and speed are very high, we made her wear weights to slow her down increasing them as she continued to progress. However her fighting abilities are not the only thing that's improved, her strategic (well all her mental skills) have improved a lot as well, although she doesn't show it. I've also had a hand in training her, however I don't think the captain general would approve. I've taken her out every night since she had turned eighteen (the legal drinking age is sixteen in her clan) so I figured it wouldn't hurt. Her metabolism and endurance of alcohol has improved a lot. She used to barely handle two drinks in a row before falling into a deep sleep, but now she can almost handle just as much as I can.

We had played about three to four drinking games before she was drunk, then just another four to five drinks after before she fell into a deep slumber. He giggled at the memories of past drinking times and fell asleep with a huge smile upon his face.

~End Flashback~

It was really early in the morning when we stumbled out of the pub clutching each other to stop from falling on our faces. When Hallibels fraccion arrived to take her back to her apartment, I continued to stumble down the road when I ran into the tall espada. He just stood there watching me roll around on the ground slurring some nasty words. Then his creepy grin crept upon his face as he bent down picking me up by the waist. Throwing me over his shoulder and stalking off in the opposite way from my apartment, I tried to wriggle off his shoulder. Only for his hand to come down on my ass pinning me to him, I herd him chuckle creepily before I fell into a deep slumber.


Szayelporros POV

I was walking back to my lab after talking to Grimmjow when I herd someone was softly complaining to his master. I overheard him saying something like 'We shouldn't do this, what if Grimmjow finds out?' and similar stuff. Which peaked my interest so I slowly walked towards the corner, slowly peeking around it to see the whiny fraccion hovering close to a sleeping Shiva. With his master Nnoitora smilling as he was feeling her through her clothing. (What a disgrace to all of our kind.) I knew she had gone drinking with Hallibel but I thought she would be fine with the third espada. I guess she's a better drinker then I originally thought, Hallible would never leave unless she was in the same condition.

I then started to wonder if the results to the test would be different now that she was unconscious from the huge amount of alcohol consumed. However I know that it would be suicidal to just walk out and demand that they hand her over for testing. That perverted espada would kill me before I even got the chance to touch her, let alone take her out of his hands. (Dose he have any morals?... Of cause not) I slowly turned and carefully walked back to my lab to see who was nearby that would  help. I looked at the big screen smiling as I noticed the hot headed espada was only around the corner from the scene. Then a thought hit me, I should record this it'll be very interesting to say the least. I watched on as the dot on my screen came closer to the others and stop two meters from them before yelling, I could even hear it in my lab(which was a block away).

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? GET OFF HER NOW" Grimmjow yelled. I watched the screen smiling seeing one of the dots go flying in the opposite direction. Then the screen started to go hazy, I could only assume that is from the massive amount of spiritual pressure Grimmjow was emitting. I sighed knowing that if he kept raising it then my machines will shut down, giving me more unnecessary work.


Wow this chapter only took me 1 n a half days... Yay I hope you like it. XD luv LilMiss

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