Fun and Games (Chap 5)

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Shivas POV

I awoke staring at a white ceiling (these dam white ceilings! I think I'm getting a headache from so much white) as funny as it seems this ceiling seems different. Like I've woken up to a certain ceiling for the last year and this is not that ceiling. Funny I know, right. I tried to move but felt so weak, I tried to look around only to fail in my attempts again. I pulsed my spiritual pressure using it to sense any other spiritual pressure, it didn't take long before I sense a familiar pressure that was only in the next room. So I again tried to get up and managed to get myself into a sitting position.

I stood up and stumbled into the next room and fell over in front of a big clear glass cage. Kitty I mumbled to the the big black scaled and white fluffy cat with red eyes staring back at me as if asking what I was doing. I managed to pull myself into a cross legged sitting position in front of the cage.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked trying to gain my strength back.

"You stupid girl. You should be relaxing and sleeping to regain your strength! You know when that scientist comes back he will want a detailed description of what transpired." His deep voice said coolly.

"argh! It hurts to try and remembered what happened." I rubbed my temples in a circular motion with my pointer and middle fingers.

"Calm and steady now. Don't push it just let it come naturally or you'll do some more damage that may not repair itself." He stated 'matter of factly' while he rubbed himself up against the glass. I smiled and poked my fingers through the holes in the glass as he rubbed up against them.

My smile widened when I felt the touch of smooth scales (like smooth leather) change to soft fur then back to the smooth scales. As my fingers went over his head down his neck and over his right shoulder as he pressed himself harder into the glass. I placed me hands in my lap as I took a couple deep breaths and closed my eyes, trying to concentrate. I started to tell my side of the story out loud as I went through my memory of the last events that happened (or as the Kitty says 'transpired') I scoffed at the thought before shaking my head at how easily I got distracted. When I started to think more deeply of the feeling I mistook for a headache when Aka and I were in the hot springs, when I was suddenly yanked out of my thoughts by a sharp pain in my left thigh.

I looked down and noticed a sword was in my thigh, when the person responsible for the blade started to slowly move it back and forth (as if it was stuck and wriggling it was the only way to get it out.) I watched stunned as the blade was finally released from my leg and continued its upward climb, before it started to come back down however it was aimed at my other thigh this time. It seemed to go in slow motion (either that or my adrenaline was so high) I managed to get up and run into the room I was in before. Temporarily shocking the person I took that opportunity to truly look at this mysterious person attacking me. Straight away I could tell it was a female, however I couldn't really tell anything else as she lundged at me again. I had nearly managed to roll to the left in weakened state, taking more energy then I hoped.

"Why... are you... doing this? What did I... do to you?" I asked panting. Jumping to the right barely dodging her sword as it came across my cheek. I watched in horror and disgust as she flicked my blood off her sword onto the walls. I leaned against a wall trying to catch my breath from all the dodging and running around I was doing. This was going to be a long recovery if I kept at it, I was barely able to muster the energy to sit a second ago. I put my left hand up only for her to stop for a second before continuing her advance, cutting my hand spraying more blood on the walls. I looked around frantically for a weapon to defend myself against this mysterious chick.

Fun and GamesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant