go home. I honestly will miss everyone, but I don't know about this whole mate thing,

I don't know about Scar, I don't know about anything. Please don't be mad

at me, I hope you understand.

I handed her the phone back and I punched the wall, putting half my arm through it. "She's not safe." I said lowly. "Scar, we'll find her. She left early this morning, we can find her. She's only got a few hours head start. We'll find her." Bryson said. "We need to leave now." I said. "Daddy." Came Cam's voice. I looked over and seen him standing in the door way. "Hey bud." I said to him. "Where's Shelby? She's not in her room." He said. "She's not here right now buddy. Me and your uncles are going to go get her." I said to him. "Okay." He said. "You have to go to Grandma's house for a little bit, okay?" I asked him and he nodded. "Lee, could you go get him ready?" I asked her and she nodded, taking his hand and leaving the room. "Hey, what's going on?" Came Greg's voice as he walked in the room. "I need to take off." I said. "Why? Everything okay?" He asked me. I sighed. "Vincent's alive." I said. "What the fuck? How?" He asked me. "We found out a few months ago. That's where Hunter is. Hunter's with him." I said. "That fucking asshole!" He growled. "Hunter's told him that Shelby's my mate. Vincent will come after her, and Shelby left last night." I said. "What? Why?" Greg asked. "Long story. Can you just keep everyone that's here sane and under control. Make up some bullshit story about why I'm not here. I don't want to cause panic yet." I said and Greg nodded. I grabbed the keys to my bike and I walked outside, followed my Bryson, Darien and Matthew. We got on our bikes and rode off.

Shelby's POV

I woke up to a tapping on the window. I sat up and I opened the door and seen a tall. dark haired man standing outside my car. "Everything alright ma'am?" He asked me. "Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Everything's fine. I just needed to get a little sleep is all." I said with a smile. "Where you heading to?" He asked me. "Delaware." I said. "Going back home?" He asked me and I nodded. "Yeah I-Wait, how do you know that Delaware is my hometown?" I asked. He grinned, two long canine teeth slid from his gums, and his eyes turned bright red.


I gasped and climbed back into the car, pulling the door shut. He shattered the window and pulled me back out, my legs getting cut on the jagged glass. I kicked and screamed, but he was too strong. I scratched his face and he growled. "Bitch!" He grabbed me by my hair and slammed my head against the car, knocking me unconscious.

I came too with a gasp, my head pounding in excruciating pain. I was chained to a ceiling In some dark place that smelled like garbage and mildew. "Hello there babydoll." Came a voice.


"You." I said. He grinned, "Me." He said. He walked over to me, smelling my neck. "Get away from me." I said. He laughed. "I don't think you're in any position to be making demands, sweetheart." He said. He put his hand on my waist and licked my neck. I shuddered in revulsion. "Well, well, well, you're awake." Came Vincent's voice. "What do you want?" I asked him. "You." He said. He walked over to me, circling me. He came to stand behind me, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. "I want to have some fun." He whispered to my ear. "Ever heard of tic tack toe?" I asked him and he gripped the back of my hair harshly, pulling my neck back. "You think your precious lover Kai will protect you? That he'll save you?" He laughed darkly. "He wont find you. And if he does, it'll be too late." He said. "You can do whatever you want to me. But Scar knows you're alive. And even if you do kill me, he'll still come for you. And when he finds you, you'll regret the day you were ever born." I said. "I bet you'll regret it first." He said. He held up his hand and thick, dark, three inch claws grew from his fingers. He dragged one across my face, cutting me. I gritted my teeth, trying to stay strong. He laughed. "You're stubborn. Just like Scar was. And you'll be that much more fun to break." He said and I laughed. "You didn't break Scar, No one can. You think you did, but you didn't, Believe me, Scar would never let a piece of filth like you win." I said and his smug smirk disappeared. He ripped his claws across my abdomen, shredding through my shirt and ripping my skin.

Scar's POV

I seen her Escalade and I felt my heart speed up. I pulled up behind it and then I seen that her back window had been shattered. I looked down and seen there were drag marks leading from her car to somewhere else. I sniffed, smelling coming rain, sulfur, asphalt diesel, her berry perfume, and then I smelled him.


"He has her. Vincent has Shelby." I said to them. "We'll find her, We'll track his scent." Matthew said. I pulled my shirt off and I walked into the thick covering of woods and took the rest of my clothes off, and then I shifted into a full wolf. I sniffed the air, being able to smell better now.

"Should we get the others?" Bryson's voice rang loud and clear in my mind.

"No. We're not trying to track and kill him, we're trying to track him and get Shelby. We're enough." I said. I got a strong lead on his scent, and I began to run through the woods, Bryson, Darien and Matthew following behind me. All I could think of was the things Vincent had done to Louisa, my wife, and my sons. He killed them in the worst way, and Louisa was human, and the things he had done to her. If he hurt Shelby, I couldn't live with myself.

"We'll find her, man. Stop thinking about that." Darien said,

We ran and ran, following the scent wherever it was strongest. I dreaded to think about what could be happening to her at this point. The scent was still fairly strong, which meant that he probably had her for about two hours, maybe longer. And I knew all too well what Vincent was capable of doing in two hours. We ran for two more hours, and then we came to an abandoned house, and I could smell him, and to my horror, the scent of blood was overpowering. And then I heard a loud bloodcurdling scream, Shelby's, scream. I threw my head back and roared, and then I jumped though the window.

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