So that's his name.. Malik the lil crappy shit..
Cool nick name Mitchell.. Thanks whoever said that. Oh that's just my mind. Hahaha!
Okay now stick to the subject Mitchell

"Yea, he's a gang member or leader, like whatever, total lost of my time, I'm not worried about him and he's-" I can't finish my sentence because before I do Jaden cuts me off

"And he is out there looking for you. He wants revenge, but I swear I won't let him lean a hand on you" he says

What was that he just said, does he knows already that I'm his ex bestfriend...

"So you already knew" I ask

"Yea, knew since yesterday.. I mean is so obvious. You may not know him, but when someone does something to him, he's willing to do whatever it takes for revenge." He says

Ohhhhhhh. So he doesn't knows.. Like really I was about to eat my nails of nervousness.

"Oh okay, but I have to tell you something" I say


"You remember maybe about 10 years ago, you had a best-"

I'm cut off by the sound of the bell that's letting students know that lunch time is over... Like are you serious.. Ugh!!! Every time I try to tell him something happens,
It first happened at the party and know it happened again.. Ugh...

I stand up angrily and push the chair away and start walking to the hallways, when I suddenly feel a hand grab my arm.

"Hey you were about to tell me something, what is it?" Says Jaden

I couldn't hold it and I went off "WELL I JUST WANTED TO FUCKING SAY THAT IM MITCHELL!!" I yelled, some of the students stared at me when I said that.

Jaden expression still neutral as always.. Ugh.

"I know Mitchell, I mean we had a thing back then ten years ago, but we were young it is not the same know" he says

Uhhh. Am I the only one lost? Did he just said that we had a 'thing'. Oh my God... What the fuck just happened..

"And I'm not saying that I don't wanna try again, but not just now, too much is going on in your life, now all we need to think about is getting you out of this problem, and don't worry because like I said I won't let Malik touch you."wow he sounds just like my dad... But again, what the fuck... ?! What does he means by 'try again' oh my god.

We had a thing and I thought we were just bestfriends... Uhm I always wondered why my dad used to laugh whenever I talked about Jaden and whenever I referred to him as my bestfriend.

I see now. But I'm speechless.. I can't say- I can't think of anything to say.

"Oh.. Yea.. I mean.. Okay.. I mean thanks .. I-"oh
My god I'm so stupid now he cut me off cause I was being boring God!

"So what do you say, I'll start taking you home, and picking you up?" He says

"No.. I mean it's okay, I have a car."

"I know, I just don't want you to be by yourself all the time, if you want you can sit at my table and all that?"

"Yea sure, I'll think about it"

I make a left to go to science so I could finally get a 'tutor' for science... As I walk there I see some girls giving me nasty looks and since I'm not that type of girl to just watch them talk about me my next move is easy.

"What are you looking at ? Do I have something on my face ?" I ask the one in the middle of two other girls

"Actually yea, you have some jealousy tattooed on your face" she says

"Really? That's the best you could come up with shitty girl" I say

She comes closer to me "just fucking stay away from Jaden he's mine and only, I can tell by the way you look at him that's what you want, but stealing him from me will just bring up a lot of problems so I recommend you don't"

I can't believe this girl is actually trying to intimidate me =hell to the no=

"No no no... Shitty girl you could try harder, want another try ? Well too bad because I don't have time for you and your cats *referring to her friends*

I walk away with a smile in my face, haven't feel this adrenaline in my body for so long. I actually needed something like this to feel more comfortable in this school, can't be looking like the girl that can be toyed with.

I walk inside the science room

"Just in time ms.Diaz, let me be quick, your tutor is"

Please don't be him.. I crossed my fingers

"Mr.Myers. Jaden, you know him ?"

Ohhhhh what the fuck !!!!

I'm shocked my face is burning and my blood is boiling...

"Can I please change my tutor, I actually don't know him at all.." I say

"Actually I have Isabel too if you want" he says

Oh hell to the noooo!

That's the girl that can't stop talking about other people defects... And I wouldn't like to become her.. So no... Uh uh!
I'll stay with Jaden..

"No never mind actually I remember talking to Jaden" I say

" well if you say so" he says

I walk out of the room and walk towards the parking lot.. When I realized I see Malik... I get in my car as fast as possible I hide my face with some books and start my car, I drive away from school as far as possible...

No that I'm scared of him.. But he brought company.. Why can't he be by himself so I could teach him some manners again.

His Girl (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now