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After changing and convincing Benny to give me my shirt back, I leave my bathroom.

"Benny, you can go now." I say quietly, opening my door.

"Okay." I hear him mumble from my desk.

"Find anything interesting?" I say, seeing him look at my stuff.

"No, but I did find this." He holds up a baseball.

"What's with a baseball in your desk drawer?" He laughs.

I practically palm my face.

"Benny, turn it around." I command.

"No......way. You have a ball signed by the Babe!"

"Shut up!" I hush.

"Holy shit." He whispers.

"Yeah, it was my dad's." I reply.

Suddenly I hear footsteps coming up my stairs.

"Benny, get under the bed!" I whisper.

Without a question, Benny darts to my bed. I turn off my lights and I hear Benny squeeze under my bed.

"Katie what in the world is going on!?" Aunt Cindy turns on the lights.

"What?" I fake, acting like I was sleeping.

"Who was that yelling?" She asks.

"I have no idea." I still sound sleepy, and I rub my eyes while stretching.

"I honestly think I was sleep talking." I laugh.

Aunt Cindy rolls her eyes, turning away while turning off the lights.


I feel a bump from my bed, and Aunt Cindy hears it.

"Katie what is going on?" She turns the lights back on.

"I hit my head on the nightstand." I say.

"Katie I'm done playing games." She walks over to the bed.

"Fine! I'll tell you the truth." I stop her and she looks at me waiting for an answer.

"The truth is, I snuck out tonight and hung out with some friends." While I was saying this I was pretty much telling the truth so I didn't feel guilty.

"That noise you heard was me coming inside from my window and falling while shouting."

Aunt Cindy stood still, and took a deep breath.

"Katie, sneaking out like that was NOT okay."

"I know I'm sorry. I understand if you give me a punishment."

"And you will be grounded for a week. No sandlot included."

"Again! Are you kidding me! Aunt Cindy those are the only friends I have!"

"Well they are obviously a bad influence, making you sneak out at midnight."

I'm completely silent, making Aunt Cindy leave.

"I wish I had my mother." I mumbled.

"Your mom would've done the same thing." Aunt Cindy says before closing the door.

"My mom would've treated me better." I say, but I know she can't hear.

I lean against my headboard, looking at the wall.

"I guess I'm not taking a shower then." Benny gets out from under the bed.

I shake my head. Benny sits next to me.

"I'm sorry." He says.

"Why? Why do they do this? They treat me like a damn pet."

The Sandlot///A Benny FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now