After a few moments, Doekit had grown bored. She wasn't even able to roll onto her side, as fatigued as she was. All she could do was wait.

And wait...

And wait...

Doekit hated waiting.

Finally, after what seemed like moons, a thin, red shape pressed it's way through the entrance to the den, starting when it realized that Doekit was awake, and very irritated.

"Oh, no, I just ran out to grab some herbs!" Russetpelt gestured wildly to something behind her, apologizing swiftly and scooting away from the entrance to allow another cat to squeeze in.

None other than Sandpaw made his way in, his jaws full of leafy herbs. A sour tang followed the tom inside, and he obviously noticed it too, if his scrunched up muzzle was anything to go by. He mumbled a greeting through the bundle before spitting them out on the floor, obviously not pleased with the taste they left behind.

"Oh, hush," Russetpelt meowed, flicking her tail over Sandpaw's mouth before he could say a word against the task. He simply heaved a sigh before acknowledging Doekit once again.

"You're finally awake!" He called, an excited, yet nervous tone to his voice.

Why wouldn't I be? Doekit wanted to ask, but her words slurred, getting jumbled up on the way from her head to her tongue.

Russetpelt murmured something quietly for only the young tom to hear. Doekit wanted to protest, but remembered how words seemed to escape her right now. She shut her mouth abruptly, waiting (again) for the two to remember her once more.

After a moment, Sandpaw nodded, his bright yellow eyes just a bit wider than they had been before. He turned back to Doekit, much to her approval, and came forward a bit, sitting down in the vacant nest next to hers.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, his voice a bit more quiet than before.

Doekit rolled her eyes, sending him a distasteful glare. He snorted, shaking his head. "I deserved that."

"You've been sleeping for a few days now," he mentioned casually, as if it wasn't a big deal that she had missed out on that much time.

"Not sleeping, exactly," Russetpelt meowed from across the den, where she was sorting the new herbs into their proper places. "You were unconscious, more like. You did wake up a few times, but your sickness kept you a bit delirious. You wouldn't remember any of it if you tried."

Russetpelt was right. Doekit's head hurt just thinking about what had happened.

"You have hyp- hypa-"

"Hypothermia, dear, don't hurt yourself," Russetpelt interrupted Sandpaw, her voice curt and motherly. Sandpaw gave an indignant huff, and turned away, his tail lashing once and then going still over the moss.

Doekit couldn't help but giggle, even though it made every bone in her body ache.

"Well, you'll probably need some rest," Sandpaw meowed, still looking rather annoyed at Russetpelt. She was his elder sister, after all. "I think Rosepaw was looking for me..." He added thoughtfully, excusing himself and waving his tail in goodbye as he made his way outside once more.

Doekit felt dread sink in her belly like a heavy stone. So her plan hadn't worked, after all. Probably due to her sleeping forever and a half. Now her... Her hypo-whatnot was for nothing! Doekit let out a groan as soon as Sandpaw had left, closing her eyes.

"You alright?" Russetpelt asked, darting to the she-kit's side in three long strides.

Doekit looked up at her, exasperation clear in her eyes. She moaned something that resembled a yes, but only just. Russetpelt seemed to understand. The red she-cat padded off, back to her sorting, most likely.

The young kit had never really understood why someone would want to be a medicine cat. Sure, you got to connect with StarClan and share bonds with your clanmates that you wouldn't typically share, but to give up hunting and fighting for stinky herbs? Never. The one thing she agreed with was the whole 'no mates' policy. Doekit still didn't understand what all the buzz was about. What would you even do with a mate, anyways? It was just like having a friend, but with a significant title. Her mother didn't have a mate, and she was perfectly fine!

Well, it didn't really matter now. What with her being ill, Doekit had plenty of time to come up with a new scheme, one that didn't involve her being severely injured and/or traumatized. In her defense, she hadn't really imagined the outcome of her original plan. She still wasn't exactly sure what had happened, especially when she was out.

"Doekit! You're awake!"

Speak of the devil... Doekit cracked open one eye, squinting angrily as Willowkit bounded up, already excitedly talking about anything and everything that came to mind. Behind her, Birdleap followed, working hard to swallow the worry in her expression.

"Why did you go swimming in the river?" Willowkit asked sternly, her brow cocked in her imitation of 'serious'.

Doekit said nothing, knowing just how her sister would react, and her mother, too. She just blinked up at the pair, her tail flicking once more in agitation.

Birdleap settled down beside her daughter, curling around Doekit's body and starting to groom the kit, her tongue rasping gently over her ruffled head. It was like she was two moons old again, and the relaxing thrum of their combined purrs soon lulled her into a drowsy state. Willowkit joined them, her own warmth adding to the mix.

It was peaceful and calm, and all ill feelings seemed to seep out of her body. When sleep finally came, Doekit welcomed it openly, and slipped back into fitful dreams of smoke and fire.


Author's Note:

Just thought I should clarify that Sandpaw was not being a pedophile; he did watch her fall into a river, so he wanted to see if she was alright. Also, innocent Doekit up there because I can. Hope you liked the chapter! Make sure to vote and comment your opinions!

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