1.I missed my audition

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Its the day i've been waiting for, Today i'm going to korea and heading directly to SM building.my phone rang "Yoooo where are you its already 7am our flight is after 2 hours"Ha Na said "ah i just woke up i'll drive right to the airport" "okay see ya there" 

me and Ha Na are from korean mothers but when we were 10 years old we moved to Europe so basically i can speak a liiiittle bit korean only what i could remeber so the language wasnt a problem for me! 

i took the plane to korea with Ha Na and Melissa and as soon as we arrived in Korea each one of us had her different way! then we would meet again at the end of the day in the hotel! anyways i was so excited that i didnt even go to the hotel to take a break! i went directly to the SM building! 

i kept asking for the directions and finally i found it!!! "woaahhhh this is the place where my dreams are finally going to take its path" well at least thats what i thought!!! 

on the other side of the street there was a huge crowd, girls were screaming histerically, i just thought they were going to audition as me but obviously they were screaming over something , i saw about 9 to 12 guys running away to the vans, i didnt care and just went to enter through the door....

holding my backpack and confidently entering the building when i got pushed by a bodyguard "Yahhhh why are you pushing me who do you think you are!!!!" i said ,i felt like i was talking to myself "HEEEEYY I'M talking TO YOUUU AHJUSSI waitt wha- dont pushh meeeee" i tried to enter but i was pushed from every side ... i heard people screaming from everywhere and my feet just couldnt carry me any more i was exhausted! "open the door please mister please" i begged him to enter but he thought i was some crazy fan who was trying to enter the building!! 

I kept hitting on the door as i fell to my knees and i knew i couldnt enter the building to audition because of these boys ! i just sat on my knees crying 


Today was crazy , we were heading to the studio and suddenly we found the fans going crazy over us!!!! people were running towards us except for this girl!!! why was she trying to enter the building when we were already going out!!! "is she really a fan ?"i thought "he pushed her really hard"

(EunJi's POV)

i kept sitting on the stairs infront of the building for about half an hour until the ache in my legs had gone ,he pushed me and i fell on my leg, i called Ha Na " are you in the hotel!! tell me how can i get there i dont know the directions"

as soon as i arrived i fell on my bed like i havent slept for a month!! Tomorrow imma try again maybe those boys wont be there ughhhh ...


his is it for the first chapter!!! i'll update soon... hope u liked it...please comment what you think 


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