Chapter 1 - The First Weird Day

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"Ash! Are you ready?" My mom shouted over the door.

"Yea!" I shouted back. With one last look in the mirror, I grabbed my crutches and went to the door. But before I could turn the knob, mom opens the door from the outside.

"I heard the floor squeak." She smiled. she should stop being such a worrywart.

"Thanks, mom." We walked downstairs.

"Remember, Arnold will drive and send you back home." I nodded. Mom walked past and slide the chair for me.

"Mom, I can do that myself." She just smiled and walked towards the kitchen.

"The most gorgeous and handsome man has arrived." Arnold, my big brother announced himself.

"Sit down boy!" Dad walked in with the morning paper.

"Oh, dad... Can't we have a moment where I admire myself?" Arnold winked.

"The thing is, all you do is admire yourself," Dad said while reading the paper.

Mom walked in with plates and breakfast. Pancakes! Yummy!

"Where's Claire?" Arnold asked.

"Out. She has a job interview. This is LA, after all, the traffic is crazy." Mom said.

Arnold pushed his blonde hair back and began to eat. It's funny how similar I look like Arnold because we both took our father's roots while Claire took our mom's brown hair.

"Remember boy, don't wreck my car." Arnold chuckled.

"Is this about that jeep?" He should know that dad hates it when we mentioned about the jeep.

"You know it is."

I pour some generous amount of maple syrup on my pancakes.

"Is it really okay if we stay home on your first day? We don't mind sending you to school." I nodded. My mom should stop being so worried about me. I'm not a child anymore.

"I know my ways, mom. I'm 16 and Arnold can help me." Arnold nodded.

"Yes, mom. I can take care of my baby sister." I hit Arnold's shoulder.

"Ow! What's that for?"

"I'm not a baby." Arnold smiled.

"I'm a senior and you're a junior, that fits." Dad hushed us both.

"Heard that?" He suddenly said. I don't hear anything.

"Hear what?" we both asked our father.

"No more Mrs. Billiard, the old lady that keeps on banging the floor!" We all laughed.

"God bless the woman." Mom said.

"We gotta go." Arnold stood and offered me his hand.

"Nah. I got this." I stood up and put my backpack on my shoulder. After I grab my crutches, I followed my brother towards the car. I never knew that our drive in was this ... long. We were about to enter but mom ran to us.

"Remember your hospital appointment at 4. We arranged for you to meet a physiotherapist." I thanked my mom.

"Which hospital is that?" Arnold asked since he never sends me before.

"Billion Specialist Hospital." Both my brother and I gasped.

"Whoa mom.. Can we afford that?" Mom just smiled without commenting on our question.

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