Chapter Six

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"And so it is, that both the devil and the angelic spirit present us with objects of desire to awaken our power of choice."

- Rumi



I travel back, leaving behind the succubus to open myself a door to my office. I call for Daxt, immediately. He willingly summons himself, entering the room.

He bowed before he spoke, "Yes, Master."

Though it might be strange but all my loyal demons and Reapers showed me utter respect, they bowed, addressed me as Master and when summoned had to immediately come to my aid. If not well let's just say they lose more than just their right to stay under my rule.

"Daxt, I want constant supervision on my new succubus. I'm afraid she is not as accustomed and devoted to her demon self. Adeline is stubborn, she will not listen to just anyone so send her Bast. I think they will be quite a pair, don't you think."

"Of Course, Master. Your judgments are precise and well thought of." He nodded his big head, his eyes blinked uncontrollably.

The question of how Adeline thought to of liked him at all was strange, the humans thought anything that didn't appear slightly human was terrifying.

I scoffed which startles the demon, I did all thoughts of the human focusing on Daxt.

"Good, we'll see to that it is handled, I want her there today," I ordered.

"Right away, Master." He vanished in a blink of an eye, being my messenger had its perks.

Now for the situation at hand, the unknown magic not in my jurisdiction, I had talked with the Reapers, the three had no logic as to what was happening but it needed to be resolved. I abandoned them later that night so I could resolve the issue with Adeline, Daxt was unable to find the girl so he called me. The demon didn't understand that she was still mostly human and curiosity got the best of them, he pricked her with his claw, the sedative that coated them put her to sleep. He only wanted to calm her but Daxt was a lesser demon, intelligence wasn't his strong suit.

My Reapers were currently trying to resolve the problem of the magic that seems to call only to my Reapers.

Calling my scythe, I opened yet another door to continue to talk with my first Harbinger. The strong magical pull came from a church in the heart of the Vatican City. The church was called St. Peter's Basilica, a late renaissance architecture.

The sight was magnificent, massive pillars holding a top a gorgeous intricate design, a dome protruding from the top of the church. It was truly an awe-inspiring building, built before its time. I recall when it was built, though I believed it would never be finished by the mundane surely they proved me wrong.

Harbinger was just outside the building, no one could see the reaper he was invisible to the world, as was I. We only let you see us when we wanted to be seen, which was quite rare seeing as I cared little for human interaction.

The aged reaper was wearing a large dark brown cloak covering all his features. His face was weary, wrinkled, aged over time, he could change his body but did not wish it. The stubborn fool looked like he was going to croak, as he leaned on his large staff, his choice of weaponry.

"Harbinger, did you further your search," I asked as I ascended the stairs.

He bent forward, acknowledging my presences, "Master, I have studied this area pinpointing the exact location of the source, please follow me."

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