
27 2 1

october 9, 2018
5:56 am

lauren •

"no mom. im okay. i swear. go eat something. the nurse told me you were here all night" i told my mom but she declined my offer once again. "lauren im not about to leave you alone especially in your condition, i can wait a while longer" she told me as she rested her hands upon mine. "amnesia isn't that bad, yeah i forgot a lot about my past/present but i can wait a few minutes while you go eat something."

"mom, im going to get mad at you if you don't eat. please go eat. for me" i begged. "alright lauren. but i'll come back quick as i can okay" she said as she got up the chair she had been siting in. "ill be right here when you come back, plus it's not like i can go anywhere at the moment " i told her with a chuckle. i saw a smile spread on her face as she left my room.

i frowned once she left. dear god where was i? last time i checked i was in iceland. my hands scattered around my bed looking for the help button. i eventually found it and pressed the button hoping the nurse would show up soon. the door opened showing a petite girl.

she had long blonde hair that was tied in pony tail, making her facial features more noticeable. she had dark blue eyes but you could easily tell they were contacts. she had her uniform on and to be completely honest. she didn't look half bad. "you asked for help-" she looked at my chart "miss lauren?"

" can you tell me what country im in?" i asked as i rubbed the back of neck getting flustered by asking such a ridiculous question. "were in america, miami to be exact" she said as she began looking over at the machines. "oh thank you-" i looked at her her tag "suarze."

"suarze is my last name but you can call me belle. it's nice to meet you lauren" she said showing me a smile. "are you from here" i asked, as i shifted my weight. "colombia. how about you" she asked as she wrote stuff on the chart. "cuba. anything bad on my chart?" "no your looking good so far, if you stay like this you might be able to leave today" she said.

i frowned. "what's wrong? aren't you glad you'll be able to leave" she told me. "i mean yeah i am but then how would i be able to get your number if i left that quick" i told her as i looked at her with a smirk. i saw her blush a bit as she wrote something on a paper, she gave it to me shortly and then left my room.

give me a call or text me and ill happily answer you

i smiled at myself proud to say that i still had my game on. the smile shortly left as i laid down on the bed trying to think and see if i could remember anything. last thing i remember was telling my mom i'll call her before i left iceland to go to greece. "long in thought?"

i opened my eyes seeing my mom and dad. "yeah sorry, i was just trying to remember" i said as i opened my arms for my dad to come hug me. "well did you remember anything lo" my dad asked as he sat at the edge of the bed. "i mean sorta, last thing i remember was telling mom i'll call her before leaving iceland."

my mom and my dad gave each other a look. i hated when they did that. "what's the matter?" i asked getting frustrated. "lauren that was 4 years ago" my mom said. "no, you can't be serious." "im sorry lauren but you haven't been to iceland since you finished highschool."

"this is complete and utter bul-" "lauren jauregui, how do you feel today" asked what i assume was the doctor. "alright. my head hurt a bit but other than that im okay" i answered. "well it's good to say that you are in a very good condition, and your reports show that you've had no problems in talking with our staff" he said as he lifted an eyebrow making me starting blushing.

"im safe to say that you are allowed to go back home" he told us. i gave him a smile and thanked him. after the doctor talked with my parents he left the room and my parents gave me a look. "talking with the staff?" my dad said as he gave me a stern look.

"it's nothing. just got this girls number no big deal dad." i told him. "no big deal. lauren i don't know if you remember but you have a fiancé." i choked on air.

me have a fiancé?

"dad ive never had a fully committed relationship with any of my 'girlfriends' how could i possibly have a fiancé" i said getting more and more confused. "you met her in barcelona, right after your stay in greece" my mom mentioned.

"mom. dad. im pretty sure id remember my fiancé if i had one. you don't just forgot the people you love." i said getting irritated by the topic.

"can we leave the hospital yet? i feel this room closing up on me." "yeah sure jus-" i heard a squeak sound from the door, making me focus my attention to who was walking inside.

her eyes immediately focused on me and she gave me the biggest smile that she could possibly show. she shed a tear before walking towards me and sat next to my dad. "your okay. god i was so scared you wouldn't wake up. i told mama cabello what happened and she wishes you the best-"

i started loosing interest in the conversation and began wondering who this girl was. "yeah um im sorry to break up this conversation but god this is so awkward but um... who are you again?"


So like i meant to publish this months ago but oh well. i know i'm not the best writer but i do try

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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