Rickety Rekt Rick

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"I-i-i still don't know who the hell she is rick."

"Yeah I was just getting the suspense for you morty, t-this is Quinn and old friend who then became my girlfriend but then back to being friends. i-its a long story so I'll save some time and not tell you." Rick explains.

"How long has it been? Like 2 years? Eh I lost time a while ago." Quinn says.

She looks at morty and Stares at him closely. A long silence passes in the room leaving morty unsettled.

"Who'd you fuck this time rick." Quinn blatantly says.

Morty has a shocked expression and rick just smirks.

"Y-yeah that's morty. He's -EEURP- my lab assistant. We k-kinda go on adventures." Rick replies.

"Huh, glad to see my place is taken by a short pubesent teen." Quinn says.

"So follow me, I'll uh show you the house." Rick says going back to his neutral half awake face.

"You room is above the garage, which I remind you is over my workspace." Rick explains.

"You make a mess don't expect me to clean that shit up so don't even-"

"Yeah calm your tits rick I'm fine, you can go back to your pupil morty now." Quinn says.

Rick leaves and Quinn smiles to herself.



So the next chapters WILL be in Quinn's Pov.

That is all.


MotherF*cker [A Rick Sanchez Fanfic]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt