Chapter 31 : Flashbacks

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Kelly POV

I woke up, ugh, I really need to take something for my cramps, they hate me today. Plus we have practice today. I feel a little bit tired, but yeah it could be just me and waking up. I took a cold shower, it's kind of been a cold day. I dressed in a kami with a nice warm, tan sweater and a little beanie on my head. While I wore a pair of skinny jeans and short boots with fuzzy socks. I pack my tennis shoes in my book bag along with some of my homework that I finished yesterday in class. I grabbed my hockey bag which I packed already. I take my bags down to the kitchen. I feel like some pancakes would be nice. I start flipping pancakes, when Mitch comes into the kitchen without me waking him up. I stare at him confused but I put my attention back to the pancakes so they wouldn't burn. It was kind of awkward when he was kind of stared at me like waiting for me to say something.

"Good Morning,"

"Good Morning, Kelly," Mitch responded half asleep.

"Why are you up so early?"

"Chase called, again, just checking if you were alright for some odd reason." Mitch said.

"Oh, okay,"

"Do you want to tell me or nah?" Mitch said.

"Um...I will tell you when you tell me what you're hiding, it's fair."

"I'm not hiding anything, what are you saying?" Mitch said.

I give Mitch his pancakes and cocked my eyebrow to look at him.

"Really, are you sure, you aren't hiding anything?"

"Okay, okay, fine, but I'm not telling you till your off of school." Mitch said.

"Okay, you're off the hook this time since I've got to go to school."

I get my book bag and duffle and my jacket. I got into the car. It's so cold today. I think it's going to snow and I love snow. I love the flakes that fall down. All snowflakes are different and it's my winter wonderland. Mitch got the car started and went the route to school.

"Do you think it'll snow?"

"Yeah it's a definitely a good day for snow." Mitch said.

That was all of our conversation for the rest of the ride I looked out on the windows. It seems peaceful.

I got out of the car saying my goodbye to Mitch, I am starting to feel comfortable to call him dad but I feel like if I do then it would be awkward like he would probably think that it would be sounding old. So I just stick with Mitch till I speak with him about calling him that. It's not like I actually had a father before. I don't remember much of my own family but I have their last name. Beside the horrifying event. I go to my locker and unload and get my first hour class stuff. Which is math. I like Ms. Button better though. No offence but I like not getting homework. I just hang out by my locker. Since I know that someone is going to come by to disrupt me.

"Hey look it's that bitch that told us off yesterday time for a new lesson." 'Haley' said.

"Sigh. It was just about to be good morning, but nothing ends up like that way, and so now these bitches are thinking about to give a lesson to me, apparently."

"You have a smart mouth you need someone to teach you how to shut up." Her minion said.

"Yay! I can't wait till you try to beat me up."

"Courtney, go get her and bring her to me please." Haley said.

Courtney came towards me. I got in my fake ready position that seems like I am not ready for anything. You know the sweet, innocent, confused look that almost every girl uses at on point. Courtney grabbed my hair. I did like a flip over her arm making her arm be sprained.

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