Chapter Seven

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It had been a month since my date with Kevin but it almost felt like it hadn't happened. We got on as normal in work and when we seen each other out it was the same. He never said anything about it again and I didn't want to bring it up because he didn't. I was stubborn like that. I guess I didn't know how I felt about him yet as I said I needed time after our date. I changed my number because I didn't want to bother with all those guys I had met before and they were boring me anyway. Thankfully that weekend, Marzia and I were celebrating her birthday and we were going to have so much fun. We booked our appointments at the salon and I booked a personal shopper for her that day.

That night we were in O'Sheas with everyone from work. I spotted Kevin at the bar and was about to walk over to him but stopped when I noticed a small, pretty, blonde girl overly laughing at something he said. She was wearing a low cut, very short tight white dress and her long blonde hair was poker straight. Her make up seemed to be caked on a bit heavy, but you could tell she was pretty without it. She kept touching him and fluttered her fake eyelashes at him. He smiled down at her and sipped his drink, keeping eye contact with her. She walked past me and gave me a strange look. I looked away and walked to the bar, beside Kevin. I ignored him and ordered my drink. I hoped he hadn't noticed me as his back was to me but he obviously heard my voice and turned to me. He was smiling that same kind smile he always gives me and my heart sank.
"Hey! You're finally here!" His eyes lit up looking at me with warmth.
"Yup. Sorry we took so long." I said a little harshly but didn't look at him. I couldn't. His brows knit together with confusion.
"OK...have you seen the new E3 trailers?" He tried coaxing me but I couldn't. The barman served me my drink and I paid him including a tip.
"No, sorry, now if you'll excuse me I have to find Marzia." I was about to turn and walk away when I felt his hand under my arm.

I looked down at his hand and followed his muscled arm, up his strong jawline and into his eyes. He looked annoyed and confused. I blushed and looked down again.
"Have I done something to you? Something to piss you off?" He tried to look me in the eye but I wouldn't let him. I looked at nothing in particular just to avoid his gaze.

"No. Now please let me go, I have to find Marzia." I tried to keep my voice steady but failed. I could feel his hard stare on me for a few minutes more and he finally let me go. I walked away as quickly as I could but not to Marzia. I went to the bathroom to calm down.

But she was there, with her equally as slutty looking friends, staring at me as I walked in, occupying most of the mirrors. I walked past all of them and took the mirror at the end of the bathroom. I set my drink down and got out my lipstick.

"So, Kendra, who was that guy you were with at the bar?" One of the clones asked. It was directed at the girl who was with Kevin. Kendra? Fucking really?
"That's Kev. He's sooo hot right now. Not like he was when we were kids." So she knew him when they were younger. I wondered if they had dated?
"Wait, that's Kev?" Clone #1 asked and Kendra nodded. "Wow. He got like so hot. I'm so jealous!"
"I know, right? I might give him a second chance. He's really matured as well. He, like, works in finance or something now, so he has money as well."
"That is so totally a plus!" Clone #2 said.
God these girls are pissing me off! I don't think I can stand this.

I put my stuff away and grabbed my drink. I walked by Kendra, and felt so angry...that maybe my hand slipped and most of my drink went over her back. She screamed and her clones flocked to her. They all glared at me.
"Oh my God I'm, like, soooo sorry!" I said in my fake pity voice, mimicking theirs really, putting it on thick. "I messed up my wrist at the gym and it just spasms. Send me the bill!" I said with a fake smile and walked out, Kendra screaming her anger. I felt cocky and strutted out to the party.
I like Kevin for who he is and I probably would've adored him when he was... I stopped in my tracks and frowned. Do I like Kevin? As more than just friends?

I looked up and he and Monty were joking and laughing. I felt safe with Kevin and yet I felt like a teenage girl with her first love. He made my heart pound by doing the most sweetest of things and he was what I wanted in a man. I like Kevin. I want Kevin as my man and mine alone. I knew how I felt about him and knew he was the one for me. I only hoped I wasn't too late. He spotted me looking at him and he gave me a tender look. I sheepishly smiled at him and gave him small wave. He made his way over to me and my heart began to race, my face went so red and as I opened my mouth to say something...he moved past me with such coldness.

I turned my head slowly and seen his arm going around Kendra, comforting her with a worried look on his face as she was clearly upset by my "hand slip". She looked up at him with her puppy dog eyes and pouting lip, looking ready to cry. He looked at her with such affection in his eyes. My heart sank into my stomach and I walked away as fast as I could, before Kendra pointed me out but mostly because tears were stinging my eyes. Marzia had 3 private booths booked and I planted myself into one. She seen my face and took my hand.

"Hey! Where have you been? Are you OK?" She looked worried.
"I'm not ruining your party. But I can't stay here. I want to go home." My voice was wavering and she was about to protest. "You're staying, it's your party. But this is something that I've done to myself. I can't be here." I got up to leave but leaned down and kissed her check. "I love you. Happy birthday. I'll see you at home." And turned to walk away when Kevin and Kendra were in front of me. His jacket was over her shoulders and she looked slightly bored. He looked mad.

"Did you do this?" He pointed to Kendras dress and she suddenly looked so smug. I swallowed and looked him in the eye. I knew he had made his choice. This was without a doubt the hardest thing I've had to do in my life: I had to let him go.
"You might want to look at your past relationships closely. Some people are poison." I shot a look at Kendra and looked back up at him. He seemed surprised but still looked angry. I hoped he could see how hurt I looked, but I had no one to blame but myself. "Just send me the bill." I said tiredly and pushed past them.

I just let the best thing in my life go and I had no one to blame but myself. I barely made it out of O'Sheas before the tears welled up in my eyes, brimming over. My cab came and I stayed silent, tears trickling down my face every once in a while. Regret and sadness engulfed me as I entered my house and I went straight to bed, crying myself to sleep.

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