Chapter Four

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I avoided Kevin for at least a week. I couldn't look at him and anytime he tried to talk to me I made it about business. He took the hint and only approached me about work related things. I started working later hours just so as I didn't have to be near him. It was once again Friday and I was grabbing my stuff out of my locker. Marzia had went home early as she had a headache and flu like symptoms so I was on my own for the majority of the day. Just as I was about to leave, I was stopped by a strong, broad chest and I looked up. It was Kevin. I gave him an annoyed look and tried to get past him but he wouldn't budge. I tutted and was a bit more forceful and got by, but he grabbed my wrist. I shot him a look that said "I will kill you if you don't let me go" but he ignored it.

"I want to talk to you." His tone was serious but I didn't want to listen. I tried getting out of his grasp but he pulled me in closer.
"Let me go." I hissed at him. Why does he have to piss me off so much?
"Not until we talk." His eyes were steady and bore down on me. I began to blush and struggle against him.
"Talk about what?" I was really pissed by this stage. "I don't want to date co-workers. Period. I'm so sick of you asking me out all the time. Why can't you respect my decision and walk away?" My eyes looked at him with a fierce glare but he was unaffected by it.

"And why can't you accept that I'm not going to quit on a good thing when I see it?" He passionately spat at me and I blinked in shock. He sighed and took me by my shoulders, his grasp firm but somehow gentle.
"I never thought I could like someone again after trying for six years to find someone like you. You are something special, Briana, and I really wish you would give me the opportunity to show you how good we can be together. Please." His eyes were warm with emotion and he had brought me quite close to him. My heart started pounding in my chest and I felt flushed. His honesty was something I had never experienced from a man before and I bit my lip. But I shook my head and pushed away from him again. I couldn't look at him because...I didn't think I could.

"You might be right." I said calmly and quietly. "But you're wrong about me. I don't want anything from anyone unless it's under my terms. I'm tired of you asking me over and over again. I'm sick of people laughing at me on a daily basis. So I am asking - no, demanding - that you leave me alone unless it's work related. I'm tired, Kevin. Just let me go." I finally looked up, tears of anger in my eyes and I frowned at him. His eyes widened slightly but then they darkened. He let go of my shoulders and I straightened up, clearing my throat. I stood tall, turned around and went to walk out when he said, "Have a good weekend, Miss Mancuso." I stopped and turned my head slightly.
"Have a good weekend, Lochran." And I walked out, a few tears trickled down my face.

A few weeks passed and I didn't get any date requests from Kevin which meant he listened to me. I went on with work as normal and seemed to enjoy myself more. I even reached out to a guy on OKCupid first, which I never did, and we met at the weekend in one of the local bars. His name was George and he was recently out of a long term relationship. I said that there was no rush and that it was just some friendly drinks. We stayed there talking for hours on end and connected really well. We arranged another date the following weekend and we decided to go to a museum.

He was sweet, thoughtful, kind and we had a lot in common. After the museum, we went to get coffee and talked some more. He opened up saying that he wanted a relationship but wanted to take it slow. I felt the same way. I didn't realise how lonely I was until after the whole Kevin thing. I wanted to put that behind me and move forward. George seemed like that kind of guy. When he left me off home, he leaned in and kissed me. It was gentle yet firm making me weak in my legs. He sucked on my bottom lip wanting access and I welcomed it. Then I heard the neighbourhood kids and broke it, looking slightly embarrassed. He laughed and gave me one final kiss before I got out. I felt really happy and Marzia noticed this.

"Wow! I haven't seen you like this in a long time, Bree! Is he that good?" She wiggled her eyebrows and I laughed throwing a pillow at her gently.
"We've only kissed but wow! He's really good!" I blushed again grinning from ear to ear.
"Yeah, just imagine his tongue somewhere more...priva--ow!" She laughed as I threw another pillow at her with more force.
"Stop that! We're taking it slow!" I said laughing. Although I wouldn't mind if I knew how he preformed, but I said that internally.
"If you're happy, that's the main thing." She smiled warmly at me and I smiled back.

George and I went on a few more dates. By the fourth date, I had went to his place for dinner and a movie. He made dinner and served wine for us, but I think we had a little too much wine because we definitely didn't watch a movie. It turned into a heavy make out session followed by fantastic sex. He preformed quite well and his equipment was...well equipped!

I met his dad on our fifth date. He was a simple man, looking for love himself and I wished him luck. But shit hit the fan the next day. He texted me to say it wasn't working and my heart sank. I had tried to find someone like George for months on OKCupid and when I find him, turns out it's not worth it. I replied, apologising for wasting his time and deleted his number. I felt so down trodden. I was sure that it was going to work out but I guess most men are intimidated by women who speak the truth. I broke down into tears while Marzia comforted me. She grabbed a bottle of rose and we sat and cussed him and most men out.

The next day I deleted my profile from the website and Marzia looked at me in shock.
"Are you sure about this?" She knew this was the only thing that really helped me move on from Owen and I nodded my head sadly.
"I'm done with putting myself out there. I need a hiatus from men and just get on with my life." I felt empty saying those words, but I really felt like my confidence was at an all time low. She gave me a sympathetic look and squeezed my hand.
"'s his fucking loss, chick. You're brilliant and don't you fucking forget it!" I blinked at Marzia as she didn't drop f-bombs much and I giggled. She really always knew how to cheer me up.

We got into work the next day and nothing out of the ordinary happened. At lunch, whilst having a cigarette, Kevin walked over and spoke with Marzia. We had gradually began talking again but he didn't ask me out in that time. He noticed that I was oddly quiet and I gave him a fake smile, reassuring him I was OK. Marzia took a phone call and he looked at me again, doubting my answer.

"OK, what happened? You're far too quiet." His hands were in his pockets and he looked at me intently, worry in that look. I gave a meek smile and shrugged.
"It's nothing. I'm fine, really." He wasn't convinced.
"Was it something to do with that guy, Gary?" That irked me. He purposely forgot George's name on a few occasions. But I guess it was OK in this situation and didn't bother scolding him...much.
"His name is George. And no. Like I said I'm fine!" I flashed another fake smile and was about to walk off when his hand took my wrist gently. I looked up at him and his gaze was kind.

"Briana." His voice was steady but he wasn't going to drop it. I sighed and my shoulders slumped.
"Apparently I'm not worth as much as you think I am. George and I were not on the same page or whatever so...he dumped me." I felt his grip tighten slightly, anger flashed in his eyes. "But, hey! Don't worry about it! I've given up on men and I'm taking a vacation from them." I patted his hand. He wouldn't let go.
"I'm sorry. Did you just say--"
"I'm done with men, Kevin. That's what I'm saying. I deleted my dating profile, I told all my fuck buddies to lay off and I deleted their numbers, George's included. Now, I want to go back to work." My voice had cracked and tears had welled up in my eyes.

But Kevin didn't let go. Instead, he pulled me in, wrapped his arms around me and held me like I was some precious gem. My emotions got the better of me and tears fell down my face.
"Kevin?" I whispered but he shushed me.
"Take as long as you need. I'll keep you covered." And he placed his chin on my head, stroking my hair and holding me close. I sobbed quietly into his shirt and hugged him back. When I finally let go, he made a face at me and I laughed.

I was far too harsh on him...but he deserves better.

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