H-Hi, Im Mark.

289 13 17

((Amy and Mark are both sixteen~ imagine they looked like the picture at the top at this age))

Amy slammed the locker door shut, carrying in one hand her five textbooks and in the other a metal waterbottle. Amy's best friend Signe, or as she called her, Wiishu, told her to meet her at her locker where she claimed she had a surprise. Whenever Wiishu said she had a "surprise", it usually meant it was something good for Wiishu, and not Amy. That didn't make her bad, Amy loved her no matter what, it was funny though to hear "I have a surprise for you" come out of her mouth when she already knew the truth. No matter, Amy still took the trip across the quad to Wiishu's locker and stood waiting by the tinted greenish-grey door.

"Amy!!" She heard the heavy accent from across the way, and smiled when she heard it. Wiishu came running up to her, but running beside her was a boy with pale skin and pointy ears. His hair was brown on the sides but dyed neon green on top. Amy thought it looked pretty cool, even though she wasn't sure what was going on. Wiishu and the boy made it to her side, slightly panting, and they both had large, goofy grins plastered across their faces. "This is Sean," Wiishu introduced, pointing to the boy. "I met him in science. We just got together!" Amy smiled along with them and started bouncing up and down with Wiishu. Sean stood there watching with his arms crossed, obviously knowing how Wiishu was by now.

Amy and Wiishu came back down to Earth and Amy held out a hand to Sean. He returned the handshake and kept the smile the whole time. "It's awesome Wiishu found ya, Sean." He nodded and put an arm around Wiishu. THEYRE SO CUTE, Amy screamed in her head, not wanting to cause a scene.

"Thanks," he responded. "You can call me Jack, by the way. Everybody does." Amy nodded and checked her watch.

"How much longer does lunch go?" She asked.

"About forty-five minutes," Wiishu replied, holding a hand out to Amy. This was how they walked in public, mainly because before Jack came along, they were both single, so to hoard off the douches, they pretended to be lesbian. Just in case. ;) "Sean says we can sit with him and his buddies, if you wanna join." Amy chuckled.

"Well see, if you went, I'd be all alone, now wouldn't I?" Amy laughed, making Jack and Wiishu giggle in unison. SO FRIGGIN CUTE, Amy squealed without opening her mouth.

Amy, Wiishu, and Jack made their way to a lunch table, far from many of the rest. Three boys and two other girls came into view sitting at the table. Two and the boys sat next to the two girls, who Amy guessed were their girlfriends, and the other boy sat alone.

"Hey guys," Jack said, holding Wiishu's hand and Amy holding the other. "So this is my girlfriend, Wiishu." All the girls were really friendly to Wiishu, although the girls' boyfriends seemed more focused on them. Typical, Amy thought. The third boy seemed to be the most focused on the conversation.

Before Amy could look more into him, Jack introduced her. "And this is Wiishu's best friend, Amy." Now the girls were being nice to her too, but she couldn't avoid the thoughts of the third boy. All the sudden she caught him staring at her from where he was sitting. When she met his eye contact, he shot his gaze to the floor and from what she could see, his face seemed to get redder.

Jack smiled at his friends' responses and told Amy and Wiishu they could sit down. Wiishu sat down next to Jack and Amy decided to sit down next to the third boy. Jack and Wiishu plus one of the couples was across from her, the other couple sitting on her side, and the boy sitting next to her.

"Oh, I should probably introduce you guys to my friends." Jack said, pausing from unzipping his lunch pack. He began with his side and worked his way to Amy. "This is Felix and Marzia, they're a thing. Next is Ken and Mary, they're a thing. Finally, the shy dork is Mark." Ken and Felix laughed at the remark about the boy, which made him cock his head up and glare at them.

Mark turned his head to Amy, now she was able to get a clear shot of his face. He had deep brown eyes and thin glasses that hung below his small eyebrows. His facial structure was that of a model, and then Amy's wandering eyes took a two second look at his body. From what she was able to capture, he had muscles ripping through his black SuperMega t-shirt and a skinny built figure. She finally got back to literal eye contact and he was staring at her as well. They kept the gaze to what felt like a few seconds, but in reality was two minutes. The snickers of Ken, Felix and Jack awoke them from the stare. Amy and Mark blinked and finally, Mark spoke. His voice was like butter but deeper. For their age, he seemed to be made for the gods. His mouth let out  a stuttered sentence, "H-Hi, my name's Mark." 

Then came the teasing.

It Was My Friends' Idea ((Amyplier))Where stories live. Discover now