Chapter 20

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Party prt.2

(Y/N)'S P.O.V
Eren chose hanji next "hanji truth or dare" she smiled widely "truth" "who do you like in this room?" Her eyes floated around and stayed on erwin for a second then continued and she shook her head "nah pick what you want off" he smirked "your shirt"she took off her shirt and (b/f) whisled "daym hanji's got it going on~" she winked at her and laughed.
Now it was hanji's turn and of corse "(y/n) truth or dare" I felt nervous so I took a swig of whatever (b/f) put in my cup "dare" she looked arround "I dare you to kiss shorty ON the mouth" I smirked at him and walked over there "tch are you seri-" I cut him off pulling his shirt letting our lips collide, he put his hand on the back of my neck and licked my bottom lip I pulled away and walked back to my spot clear blush on my face. "Armin truth or dare?" I ask whipping my head his way he looked kinda scared.
"D-dare" eren patted his back "damn armin maning up without being drunk~" I smiled at him and looked over to (b/f) she looked at me and her eyes widened "armin I dare you to take off (b/n)'s cloths when it's time... everytime" his face got red and so did her's "okay your turn!" He nodded and looked around.
"Mikasa truth or dare?" Mikasa thought for a moment "hm,dare" "I dare you to..." he looked around thinking "sit in (b/n)'s lap for the next 4 rounds she got up and sat in his lap oh~ you get that (b/n).
Mikasa looked around and her eye's landed on sasha "Sasha truth or dare" she blushed "truth" "who do you like?" She looked over at connie "connie..." everyone whisled at them "damnnn didn't see that one comming" someone says. "(Y/n) truth or dare" I smiled a little "i'll go with truth this time" she smirked "who do you think is the most attractive guy in here?" I smirked too "well I'm pretty sure it'd have to be levi" I said tapping my chin
"But it could be the birds eye view of him" I said laughing then I turned to (b/f) "(b/f) truth or dare" she smirked at me "dare~" I smiled at her "I dare you to kiss whoever you like the most in this room, on the mouth, and it has to be a guy" I saw Erwin lick his lip's a little and look down at her but she was looking elsewhere "I think I'm gonna have to skip this one" I smiled at her "I think i'm gonna go with your pant's first armin I belive your needed" I said giggling her face turned crimson "d-do I have to?" I nodded, he didn't, but I wanted to see him do it.
He stood up and walked over to (b/f) she's had the biggest crush in him for so long he got down and looked around the room everyone was starring exept erwin who was looking away he grabbed the wasteband and started pulling them down out of instinct (b/f) put her hands on his sholders and lifted herself off the floor helping him out.
When he was done he went to hand her back the shorts but I stopped him "you have to hold them so she doesn't put them back on" she glared at me so I leaned over to her "hey at least you chose the black lace panties and bra~" she rolled her eyes "any who Berthrold truth or dare" he looked up "um dare"
She smiled I dare you to tell me your deepest darkest secret" he walked towords her amd whispered in her ear "I have a wird fetish for.." I couldn't hear after that and she laughed a little "heh that's kinky i'm into that" she said snapping and winking his eyes widened amd everyone looked at her "o-oh no not like that no it's just something I say all the time.. sorry"
Everyone nodded then erwin spoke up "maybe that's enough truth or dare anything else" me and (b/f) nodded "we could play spin the bottle" I suggest "if it lands on a girl you can hug her" everyone nodded and I got up to get a bottle.
I spun first and it landed on sasha so I gave her a hug then she spun it and it landed on connie she blushed and leaned over to him then kissed him he spinned next and it landed on.
Berthrold he hugged him and berthrold spun the bottle and it landed on (b/n) so he leaned over and hugged him 'damn all these guys getting other guys, must suck' then (b/n) spun the bottle and it landed on me so I hugged him then I spun the bottle and it landed on riener so I leaned over and kissed him so on so fourth after a while we got bored.
(B/f) stood up "okay first... can I have my shorts back?" Armin handed her her shorts she put them on then continued "can I have one small item from everyone please?" She grabbed a hat "put it in here" everyone did as told "okay we're going to play a game called seven minuets in heaven it's where someone picks an item out of the hat whoever the item belongs to gets to go into the closet together for seven minuets whatever happens in the closet stays in the closet" everyone nodded looking worried.
(B/F)'S P.O.V
"Okay Eren you get to go first!" I say he walked up to the hat and pulled out (y/n)'s ring "oh~" everyone said then they walked into the closet. I walked over to hanji "hey hanji can I talk to you real quick?" She nodded then we walked to the hall way, "what's up (b/f)" I look down "do you like Erwin" her eyes widened a little and she shook her head.
"Don't lie I don't mind honestly O don't like him I think he likes you" she looked down "I don't want to be with him..." I said when she didn't respond she looked at me and tilted her head "why are you with him" I shrugged "It was the heat of the moment..and he reminded me of..." "who?!" we heard everyone whisleing so we turned to go back.
"We'll continue this conversation someother time I just wanted you to know me and erwin aren't going to stay together." She nodded "besides I've always loved yalls ship~" I said as we walked back in.
It was (b/n) and he pulled out Crista I winked at him as they walked to the closet. I walked over to Erwin to talk to him "hey I wanna talk to you" he nodded "I know, you don't have to say it I'm fine" I sighed a sigh of relief "I want you to be with hanji" he looked at me to see if I was joking or not "I'm serious." I say looking him in the eye he nodded "do you like her?"
He looked a little hesitant "I'm waiting" he nodded "yass you need to go tell her." He shook his head "why" "it'd be too soon" "then tell her tomorow" he nodded then we walked back in.
Next it was my turn so I walked up to the hat and stuck my hand in there and felt around till I poked myself I pulled the long-ish item out and got a bookmark (y/n) squealed a little "omg she pulled armins bookmark!!" I heard sasha yell I blushed a little then walked over to the closet and sat against the wall and armin as across me then the door closed and locked.
"So.." I said he nodded looking down "are you okay?" I asked leaning over to see him he looked up and we were only inches away "yea I-i'm good" my arm snapped as I was going to lean back and fell forward onto him I tryed to grab something to stop myslef but it just ended up landing on us oh god this is weird I'm probably crushing him I pushed my upper body up enough to know I wasen't killing him "I-i'm so sorry oh lord" he blushed hard "whats a lord?"
I giggled a little "ya know (b/f) you're really pretty" I blushed "I'm sorry I'm probbaly crushing you" I tried to get up but my arm was asleep so I went falling back down "uff- rrg I'm. Really.. sorry armin" "I-it's fine (b/f) you're not crushing me at all" I rolled my eye's "suprisingly" I sat all the way up and looked behind me to check my phone and we had about 2 minutes but when I turned around Armin was right infrount of me starring at it "hi ther-" "whats that?" He went to reach for it and I panicked pushing him down and straddling him.
"Sorry! I guess I fell" I kinda yelled he just sat up confused "what was... that" my face heated up "I don't know" I kept a stotic face but I knew I was crimson he was about to speak when the door slammed open and everyone was starring.
"awe I see, I see" I herd jean say I got up and walked to the door grabbing (y/n) "me and (y/n) are like *yawn* really tired we're gonna head to bed" she nodded and we packed the bottles and walked to the room. We got to the room and I unlocked it and walked in going to my side grabbing some clothes "I'm gonna take a shower be right back" she ran infrount of me blocking the way to the restroom "no~ you're telllng me what happened in the closet" "you first!" She rolled her eyes "You know I've always wanted to kiss him, and he got to feel me up a little and that's all" I smirked "nothing happened in the closet" I say walking past but I stopped "I think he saw my phone but i'm not sure" then I walked to the shower turning it on "WHAT!" I nodded "I don't know if he saw anything or what lets just go to bed and talk in the morning." She nodded and left me to undress.

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