Chapter 9

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(B/F)'S P.O.V
"I know the perfect thing for shorty" I said (y/n) looked at me "what is it" I looked at her "your gonna have to let him have some of your cleaning supplise" "no" "come on (y/n) were gonna make him a wet jet I said giggling a little" she smiled at me "truee, but what about Erwin?" I looked up "I can make him a gun?" She thought for a moment "something that wow's him it needs to be in the machinerie area..." I nodded.
This was harder than expected I smiled at her "we can make him a new 3Dmg" she looked confused but after a moment her eyes lit up "of course, I think i still have the blueprints for it!!" She ran to her table and grabbed her laptop typed a little then showed me... "god I loved this idea so much honestly I made a prototype once but It was missing something..." I spoke quietly she looked at me "maybe they have blueprints from these types, we could see what went wrong!" I looked at her theres the reason she's my partner "I'm gonna go see if armin knows anything about where they could ve we can start when everyone leaves" and with that I was gone. I found armin a little later on the traning grounds a d exused him from traning to help me.
(Y/N)'S P.O.V
(B/f) was taking a while so Idecided to look arround i've never actually had a chance to look arround I was outside humming a song waching the 'cadets' train 'I got lucky on my first day here' I continued to walk arround when my phone vibrated it was (b/f) telling me she found what she needed and to come back to go over the bp's.
~time skip to when your there~
I walked into the room and locked the door and sat down in my rolly chair "okay so I was looking over the blueprints to see what I did wrong and when I found it I was like 'kms'" she said laughing a little I looked over it and almost facepalmed she literally forgot the gas tanks wow "how do you call yourself a genius if you can't remember a simple gas tank" she shruged and smiled a little at her 'creation' as she called it.
I was about to speek bjt was interrupted by a knock on our door, I got up and answered it while (b/f), went to her room with the bluprints and put them up. "Ye- oh hey hanji did you need something" she walked past me "yes actually!" She got a glare in her glasses "do ethier of you want to help with my new titan baby's~" I was about to say no when (b/f) came darting in the room "YES!!" hanji turned arround and stared into her glared galsses with a matching psychotic smile on her face... "what are we gonna do?!"
It looked like hanji was about to cry "are you good?" I asked she looked at me then tackled (b/f) in a bear hug "I'VE NEVER MET ANYONE WHO'S GENUINELY INTRESTED IN MY BABYS!" She yelled and squeezed (b/f) harder "ca..n't breff.." "oh sorry" hanji said getting up off her and helping her up (b/f) smiling widely "(y/n) you gonna help or..?"
I shook my head "nah i'ma go eat lunch wanna join or.." she looked back at me "actually yes.." hanji nodded "I gotta go turn in paper work to Commander bushy brows but i'll see you two there!?" We nodded and put some sandles on (b/f) grabbed two cup soups and we went to the dining hall I sat down in a seat and (b/f) went to made the soups (she lost in paper, rock, sissiors so she has to today.)
I layed my head on the table because I was bored after a few seconds I heard a 'tch' behind me "tch brat you're in my seat" I heard levi say behind me I sat up and looked at him "early bird gets the worm" and put my head down I felt him staring at the back of my head I rolled my eyes and pulled out the chair on the right side of me "tch" was all I got as he ploped down a few seconds later (b/f) walked out and sat inforunt of me and gave me my soup.
I saw someone sit beside me out of the corner of my eye "hey (y/n)" I heard gunther say my eyes lit up "hey gunt" We smiled at eachother I heard a click and saw (b/f) taking a picture of us 'how does no one see that?!" She winked at me. "Tch so (y/n), (b/f) how much of my time are you planning on wasting when you attempt to 'wow' me" just as he said that Erwin ploped down next to (b/f) i'm starting to think he has a thing for her... ohh~ "tch, well ravioli we're done with the blueprints and plan on starting tomarrow" she said glancing at him then slurping a noodle into her mouth.
Erwin showed amusement in his eyes "what's the cap talking about?" Petra asked kinda loud I looked over at her "me and (b/f) are going to wow the Corpral and Cammander" (b/f) choked on her soup "*cough cough* reword it reword it" she said coughing some more. Hanji sat on the other side of her patting her back she stopped after taking a drink of water "eh hum, the Cammander and the Corpral have asked us to prove we are geniuses"
She said my eyes widened when I realised how I said it amd I blushed a little petra nodded her head and continued eating me and (b/f) finnished and threw our stuff away "so hanji are you gonna introduce me to your babys" (b/f) said getting exided hanji nodded and stood up running away with (b/f) and that's the last I saw of them that day.

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