Chapter 8

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(Y/N)'S P.O.V
I was laying down on my bed listing to music using headphones of corse, 'hm, I really wanna dance...' I was about to get up when (b/f) came in "(y/n) we gotta talk, my room pls" I felt kinda nervous she made it seem so important I sat on her bed "what is it (b/f), did they find out??" She laughed a little "no but Erwin wants us in his office at 11 tomorrow to go over 'formation' and our places" her eyes widened a little bit went back to normal "what do you suppose we do?.." she looked down in thought then got her phone and started typing away... "wha'ch ya doin' over ther'" I asked she glanced up "texting" I gave a confused look "who?" Oh your brother my eyes widened "why?!" She laughed a little "i'm joking i'm joking chill heh nah i'm asking an anime chat what I should do..." she said. I deadpaned
"(f/n) you can't do that"


"We can't make contact to our demention"

"Then who's responding"

I almosed laughed "a computer"

"Oh right"
She threw her phone to her bed "what do you suppose we do" she asked "tell them we don't go on expiditions, that we keep an eye on the hq back there?"
She looked at me "that could work but if it doesn't?.." I looked down "then we come clean" she looked at me thinking about it probably wandering how Erwins gonna take this "we can't go (b/f) it's suicide we wont make it"
She was looking out the window "fine" she turned to look at me which caused her glasses to glare "but if things go south we need to get out of here" I nodded "okay let's watch phantom?" She said 'she knows my weakness' "deal" I said smiling.
She ended up falling asleep so I borrowed her laptop and went to sleep after it ended.
~the next day~
We got up kinda late we both wore some black joggers her with a white shirt and I had a black one we both had light makeup it was about to be 11 so we both left off to Levi's office.
"Are you nervous" (b/f) asks me I nod my head and we stop at the door she knocks three times and we heard a muffled come in 'here goes nothing' we both went in "sit down please" I stood while (b/f) sat on the couch he looked at me "so what are we here for again?" I ask ignoring his stare. "Your positions in the formation and what not" Erwin said "(b/f) come sit right here (y/n) you can sit over there next to levi" Erwin said smiling (b/f) winked at me and added on "yes (y/n) go, go sit next to shorty thank you Erwin" she said sitting down and scooting a little away from erwin. "Is it fine if we don't go Commander" (b/f) bluntly said looking into his eyes I face palmed.
"Why?" "Back at our HQ we didn't go on expiditions" I said he looked at us "when we tested you in 3Dmg you did fine" (b/f)'s eye's lit up "I wear glasses, if something were to happen and I lost my glasses I'd put plenty in danger" Cammander looked like he bought it and looked at levi "where does (y/n) come in" she looked at me "she has a condition..." my eyes widened where's she going with this "which is" "her bones are fragile if she hit's or lands too hard her bones will shatter" they looked at me and I looked at her she looked down.
"I understand then why would you join the scouting legon?" Levi asked looking me in the eyes "how did you get such a high ranking?" Erwin said to (b/f) she looked at me and smirked "we're geniuses" I smirked too they both looked at her "in what exactly?" Levi asked "technology" she responded they looked confused "machinerie" I corrected we technically were "prove it" levi looked me in the eye but erwin looked (b/f) in the eye she stood up so did I "what do ya want us to do?" Levi smirked "wow me" she looked at me and smirked "Erwin what would your request be" she asked he looked alittle shocked "like levi said wow me" "okay" she said smiling.

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