The truth

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After Thanksgiving dinner

Topanga: Mom, Dad may we talk outside

Rhiannon: Sure Topanga

They walk out and have a seat on the patio

Topanga: I need answers.

Jedidiah: We'll give them to you

Topanga: Why did you think it was right to disown your own daughter

Rhiannon: Topanga ever since you were little you have had your life together. You knew exactly what you wanted. Once you and Cory started dating I could see you changing. It wasn't bad that you were it was just shocking. When you told us you were going to Pennbrook instead of Yale we were furious

Topanga: Yeah I know. I felt bad

Rhiannon: Than on your graduation day you proposed to Cory

Topanga: I Love him Mom that was my reason to staying because I had someone I loved here

Jedidiah: After that we thought we lost our little girl. Than the divorce happened

Topanga: Yup it took all of us away, but we came together at the wedding

Jedidiah: Yeah, but 2 years later you fall pregnant. We didn't expect it to happen so fast. You were just accepected into NYU. We thought we had our little girl back. Now our little girl is a Mom.

Rhiannon: Everything you worked for was over. You were bringing a baby into the world. Your husband wasn't done with school yet and he was studying to be a teacher. A teacher salary will not take care of a baby in New York

Topanga: You guys were wrong

Jedidiah: We didn't want to watch your life slip away and you were so young so we said we didn't want to see you anymore and we lost our innocent little girl

Topanga: *tears in her eyes* You wanted me to turn out like you guys. Go to Yale start my career. Find a husband get married and start a family when I'm 30. You were ashamed of me from the beginning. Am I right?

Rhiannon: Topanga....

Topanga: No answer me AM I RIGHT?

Jedidiah: Yes sweety

Topanga: Don't sweety me. I am your daughter you guys are my parents. You were my role models. Everything I ever known was from you guys. I called off my wedding because of you guys. I should have known to never trust you. I come to Philadelphia to share my scary news that I am pregnant with my first child and you guys disown me and walk away. The only people that have been there for me are the Matthews. They're more of my family than you guys. Why did you come back 16 years later?

Rhiannon: Facebook. I saw a picture on Amy's page with you, Cory, and the kids. You all looked so happy. I went onto your page and it was private so I went to Cory's and I saw how much of a happy family you guys are. I called Jed and told him. We decided to contact you but it seemed like you changed your number so we called Amy asked her what you guys were doing for Thanksgiving. She said you all were coming here and she invited us to come so we did. We've missed you.

Topanga: You know I cried for a month about you guys. After Riley was born I just forgot about you guys and I knew you meant what you said. About 5 years later you started sending letters that I would just shred up. These last 16 years have been fine without you guys and I believe I can go longer.

Jedidiah: Give us a chance Topanga

Topanga: Why should I. You disowned me. You said I was a disgrace to our family. You told me to give Riley up for adoption. If any parent told their child that I don't think they would be able to easily forgive them. I'm fine without you. I have Alan and Amy they have been great substitute parents. They're great grandchildren. Maybe I'll let you see the kids throughout the year, but I can't forgive you that broke my heart.

Jedidiah: We're sorry

Topanga: Yeah I heard you for the thousand time. You may stay for as long as you were offered but that's it. Thank you for telling me the truth *walks back inside*

Rhiannon: We really messed up

Jedidiah: We sure did


Cory: Is everything OK?

Topanga: *nods* I got my answers. That's all I needed.

Cory: Oh

Scarlet and Riley hug their mom

Scarlet: I love you Mommy

Riley: You're the best Mom ever. I am glad I was your first born. You did an amazing job with me

Topanga: *smiles* Thanks girls. I love you too and my two boys

Auggie: Love you Mom

Scarlet: Mackenzie Loves you too

Topanga: *puts a hand on her bump*

Thanks for Reading!!!

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