Kelly King

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The next day

Topanga: So Scarlet you might have to stay with someone for a little while

Scarlet: *looks at Topanga scared* Why

Topanga: I have to go talk to someone and where I am going you can't go

Scarlet: *lips start quivering* You're leaving me

Topanga: No No No sweety *picks her up* It's not like that I promise. You're going to stay with Katy Maya's Mom

Scarlet: *crying* I want you

Topanga: I'll tell Katy to bring you to me after I finished talking to that someone OK

Scarlet: OK

Topanga: You're safe here OK. Stop crying

Scarlet: *wipes her tears and lays her head on Topanga's shoulder*

Topanga: Good girl

At the police station

Topanga: Hello My name is Topanga Matthews. I'm here to talk to Kelly King

Officer: Any relations

Topanga: No, I'm a lawyer for Brown & Elliott

Officer: Oh Ok right this way

The officer leads Topanga into a small room and than Kelly King enters and has a seat

Kelly: Who are you?

Topanga: Topanga Matthews Lawyer.

Kelly: I don't need a lawyer

Topanga: I'm not here to be your lawyer

Kelly: Than why are you here

Topanga: Do you know Scarlet King

Kelly: That's my daughter. How do you know her

Topanga: She's living with me

Kelly: What how. That's impossible

Topanga: My daughter and her friend found Scarlet on the sidewalk by herself. We took her in.

Kelly: DSS didn't take her?

Topanga: She ran before they could, but they have Samuel

Kelly: Who's Samuel?

Topanga: Your son

Kelly: I don't remember having a son

Topanga: You do, He was taken away by DSS.

Kelly: *eyes widen* Oh Sammy. My baby now I remember

Adopted By The MatthewsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin