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Adriana P.O.V

Seth was with a one girl, maybe she is his girlfriend, I don't know. Seth has always been womanizer, when we were together he was also the same. This girl was with long straight black hair with many tattoos on her body. 

We were in the car ready to go, I was in the driver's seat, Roman was sitting on the seat beside me and the children were in the rear. I thought when Roman interrupted me.

"What's wrong, baby? Why you froze? "Roman looked at me.

"Ah, nothing.I don't know what came over me." I looked at him and smiled.

"Because of Seth? " He asked.

"Probably.  " I answered.

"Why are you afraid of it? He doesn't care about you. Look at him , he is with his girlfriend...and  "

"Not because of that, I dont care about him,the reason is  more difficult.  I'll tell you later."

"Ok baby. " He looked at me.

 When everyone gets in their cars,we were ready to go. I started the car and drove after them. Jojo and Sienna played in the backseat. 

"Sisi,did you hear how my daddy called your mother ? " Jojo asked.

" Noy. How?" Sienna laughed.

""Baby!" Jojo answers quietly. Both girls started laughing.

Roman heard them and he looked in the rearview mirror ,he raised his eyebrow and asked them.

"What's going on ,girls? What are you whispering there? "

" Nothing, daddy. Girls things!" Jojo answers and giggle.

"Really? " He turned to them and smiled surprisedly. "You'll see! " He reached out with one hand and began to tickle them.

"Stop it daddy, stop it!! " Jojo screaming and laughing. The two girls screaming like the devil chasing them. 

I listened and watched them in the mirror, They were very funny and I started laughing. They heard me.

"Girls stop! Because if we continue ,Adriana will go wrong way and  we will not sleep in a luxury house,  but in the desert, yea! " He laughed and shook his head. I started to laugh more loudly and Roman looked at me.

"You're so beautiful when you laugh. " 

I looked at him and he looked straight at me with a smile. I admit blushed a little, smiled at him  and I continued to observe the road.

"You need more often you smile. "

On the road with Dean and Renne.

"Catheriiine Zeeta Joooooones.   "  Dean sang in the car.

"Oh come onn, stop it." Renne frowned and looked at him. 

" What?Don't you like my voice? Catheriiine Zeeta Joooooones. " Dean asked and continued.

"Sound like sick frog. Please don't !" Renne said.

"What? NO!Catheriiine Zeeta Joooooones....."

" Oh God! " Renne grabbed her head and leaned against the window.

After a while Dean stopped singing. In the car was silence. After a little time Renne jumped from her place ,Dean suddenly released music from the music box and he had begun to dance with hands left right left right.

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