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In the morning, Adriana posted pics in instagram and twitter.

in twitter

@WWEAdriana: The night was great. #ThankYou my adrianators.

 #ThankYou my adrianators

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in instagram

@WWEAdriana: Thank you to my #Adrianators for all yours support for this huge event. I promise you, we will be even better and will kick ass more! Believe that. WWERomanReigns WWEDeanAmbrose

After a few minutes the pics gathered thousands of likes and comments. Some of were quite entertaining others not so. Adriana open her notifications and started reading them.

RollinsXGirlxx: WWEAdriana You are a such a bitch. How can you hang out with married man? Roman doesn't deserve you.

Sasha32fg7: WWEAdriana You look so beautiful in that dress. Goals. Proud #adrianator !!!

WWERollins liked your photo. 

WWERomanReigns liked your photo.

WWERomanReigns comment your photo. "Believe in the Shield! Believe in WWEAdriana ;) !"

FearlessNikki27: Have a rumor that Roman and Adriana are a couple! I'm so Happy! #Adreigns

After Adriana check out her notifications, stand up and make her morning coffee. The day was rainy and she wanted all day  to lying in bed, but with her work that was impossible at least not today. She tied her hair in a bun and dressed in a long dress with floral patterns on it. She took her coffee and went out on the balcony of her hotel room. Suddenly her phone rang, she picked it up and answered the call it was Mark Carrano.

"Hello! " Adriana said.

"Hello, Adriana ! How are you?" Mark Carrano asked.

"Good! thanks .. "

" You should come today in the office. " Mark said but Adriana interrupted him.

"Why? What have I done?" Adriana said and laughed.

"Nothing! Just it's time for you to move on. So come to the office to discuss the details ."


"Bye,  Adriana!" Mark said and  hung up.

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