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On the road

After the show my car broke down and had to go with Seth. Just what I missed.

During the whole time I was silent because I knew that if I say something Seth will begin to irritate me.

"Come on, say something! It is to boring I will fall asleep and crashed."  Seth said and looked at me.

"There's nothing to tell you!" I said and looked at him.

"How is your boyfriend?" Seth asked me.

"I don't have a boyfriend!" I replied.

"What? Seriously? How? You're beautiful! "Seth asked me and laughed.

"I have no time for boyfriends. 365 days a year I work.So.. "I said.

"Well sometimes we have to go to dinner!" Seth said and laughed.

I smiled and rolled my eyes.

Finally tonight with Seth had a normal conversation. He was very nice.

We had just arrived at a hotel and went up to the our rooms. I thanked him and went into the room.

I changed into some pajama pants , a warped tour shirt and layed down.


I woke up at 7:00 AM. Waking up around this time because I want go to the gym before I go to the airport to catch a plane.I walked to the bathroom.

I put on black yoga pants, a pink camisole and black flats. I put my hair in bun.

A knock on the room door startled me.

" Adriana? You awake ? You here?" A deep voice spoke through the door.

"Yeah." I reply and opened the door. " Hey, Roman!" I smiled.

" I and Dean are going to get breakfast. You wanna come with us?" He said and smiled at me.

"OK I will come. " I said and following him out.


" There have been a sequences.. I like to call her but she bended.. You know there are a lot of places I been touch. But.. "

Roman telling how the girls groping him when he walk to the ring.

" Well when I walk thru the fans, they touch my hair , my muscles not my butt." Dean said and rolled his eyes.

" Hah guys you are so funny. I can't stop laughing! Oh God!!" I said and laughing.

" Roman has always had luck with womens.. !" Dean smiled. " Cheers!"

"Cheers" I reply.


Breakfast was fun , they're really funny and entertaining, after that we got back to the hotel and I wanted to go to the gym. Took the elevator down to the hotel gym.

Once I got inside did some burpees, stretched for a bit , treadmills for some cardio.

"Let's go get our sweat on.!" Said someone behind me.

"Excuse me! What? " turn around and give him weird look. " Ouu is that you!"

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