Go The Fuck to Sleep (Chapter 14)

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Jesse clucks in concern. "Listen mate, it's your funeral, but I'm starting to doubt this mate thing since she's right behind you and you haven't noticed."

"Ember!" Chase exclaims in shock, spinning around at a speed that left no doubt he was a Were. "I didn't know you were here."

"Clearly," I say dryly. "I appreciate your concern," I hiss. "But I'm a big girl and I can look after myself."

"I was just trying to-"

"Chase, just drop it."

He looks like he's about to argue with me again when he snaps his jaw shut with a determined expression. Glad that he's decided not to push me on a subject for once, I calmly walk over to the bonfire where everyone is gathered.

I can feel Chase following me as he takes his position to my right. It was decided on the way to the pack house earlier that he would stand in as the Alpha male.

While we might not have formally completed the Mating Bond he is still my mate. It also helps that he has been groomed from a young age to have the Alpha male title and is informed of the culture and customs required.

Looking over the crowd I can't help but feel overwhelmed by the sheer number. What used to be a pack of two hundred has now almost tripled to roughly five hundred and fifty, depending on a few Ex-Rogues who are still undecided on what they want to do.

Chase must have sensed my anxiety and gave my hand a quick squeeze before letting it go.

'Come on you sook,' taunts a voice in my mind.

'Shut up, Tasha! I don't need you insulting me right now. I have a pack to look after which just increased drastically. I don't know how to run a pack!'

'Ugh, calm ya farm Ember. You are a natural-born leader and you have Chase here to help you,' she exclaims as if she's talking to an imbecile.

'Did you seriously just say calm ya farm?!' I exclaim in disbelief.

'Im hip. Get with it grandma,' she responds with a sense of finality.

Literally speechless, I put Tasha out of my mind and my concern for if she's finally cracked it. Then again, I'm not exactly the poster child for sanity either.

"Could I have everyone's attention please," I speak loudly. The crowd do supernaturals barely spare a glance in my direction before going back to their own conversations once more. I clear my throat loudly trying to get their attention but to no avail.

Losing patience by the second I tap into the Phoenixes sound box.


The silence is deafening after my short loss of temper and I'm a little disturbed to find I managed to knock a few people unconscious towards the front of the quivering crowd.

"Ah, sorry about that," I say sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck. "But I needed your attention and I have a little girl inside that needs to be tucked into bed sometime tonight."

This earns a few chuckles from the crowd and some understanding looks from a few of the parents.

"Ok, thank you all for coming! Now you're an idiot if you haven't noticed all the latest editions, but I would just like to formally welcome everyone to the Shadow Pack. Housing arrangements have been made for you all in the pack house. If at any point you wish to move out to your own house please let me or Alpha Chase know and we will help in anyway we can."

"Now, tonight is a crescent moon. Commonly known for holding everyone's intentions, hopes and wishes. Take time tonight to reflect on what you hope to achieve in the future and pray to the Goddess for the pack."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2013 ⏰

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