"Are you sure?" The man that holds Liam questions me. I nod.

The men are reluctant to release Liam but do. I walk up to face Liam. I take a hold of his wrist and pull him out of the club like a little child. I see Gwen and Niall outside waiting for us. "Fucking let go of me bitch!" Liam yells as soon as we reached them.

He slips his wrist out of my hold and stumbles back a little. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yell.

"What's wrong with me? Do you have a fucking clue what you fucking did to me!"

"What I did to you? I didn't do anything!" I am so angry with this drunk bastered!

"Hey! It's better if we go. The cops will show. I'll take him. Lesly take Gwen home please." Niall orders.

I am about to agree, when the drunk opened his mouth, "No no no. Lesly is taking me home." Liam slurs.

"Shut the hell up you dick I'm-"

"It's fine Niall I'll take Liam home. I don't mind." I really don't. The only thing I mind is his attitude towards me.

"Are you sure?" Gwen asked this time. I nod.

"I don't think that's such a good idea." Niall comment.

"Shut the hell up Horan! Take your little date back home and fuck her already. You both fucking need it!" Liam laughs.

Both Gwen and I gasp, Niall just stands there with his hands balling up into fist. I know he's ready to punch Liam. "Don't listen to him. I'll just take him home already before things get more out of hand."

"You heard her." Liam says "Now go!"

As Gwen and Niall walk towards what I guess is Niall's car I don't know what to do next. Shaking my head I walk towards my car knowing Liam will follow behind me. "Why in such a hurry Princess?" Liam says behind me. I ignore him and continue walking to my car. "Aww! Are you mad at me babe?" he taunts.

I roll my eyes at the last word he spoke. I don't get the whole petname thing. Everyone uses that word: babe. To me it's insignificant. It's nothing special. I prefer Liam calling me Princess.

I open the door for myself and wait for Liam to hop in. As soon as he stepped into the vehicle I drove away from the club. I turn on the radio, wanting to decrease the tension. Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran started to play all around.

I love this song. I remember crying the first time I heard it. It's such a beautiful song.

"Do you actually like this crap?" Liam spoke as he turned down the music.

I tighten my grip on the steering wheel before opening my mouth. "Yes I like it. Do you have a problem with it?" I snap.

"Yes I do actually. This song is gay. And so is the guy that sings it." I can sense the smirk plastered on Liam's face already.

"He is NOT gay! Ed Sheeran's music is beautiful! You of all people have no right to say otherwise!" I scoff. I swear Liam is driving me insane!

"Is that so Princess?"

I am seriously going to lose it! "Don't call me that Payne!"

I quickly glance Liam's direction and I notice the smile on his face. "What do you want me to call you babe?" Liam places his hand on my thigh and squeezes. I slap his hand hard.

"Don't ever touch me!" I yell.

"Why not?"

I don't respond, instead I keep my eyes on the road in front of me soon enough we are at Liam's home. "Get out." I whisper.

"Aren't you coming?" he ask his eyes hold sincerity.


He sighs heavily "Will you at least help me to my door?"

Why won't he just get out? I close my eyes but nod. I open my door a hop out, opening Liam's door I grab him from his elbow and pull him forward. He stumbles a little but regains balance. For a drunk he's walking as if he wasn't. Taking his keys out of his pocket, he opens the door and I turn to leave. "Lesly?"

"Yeah?" I say as I turn. Without a warning a soft pair of slightly chopped lips press against mine. I struggle to get away from his hold. Placing my hands to his chest I push him away. Anger rushes through me as my hand swings back and I slap him right on his cheek. I run to my car before he can react and do something to me in return.

What have I done?


Second Update This Week!!!

Team Max or Team Liam??

Im not good at mash up names so I'm just going with this. Unless one of my wonderful readers can come up with one. But I don't think Lesly and Liam come together like that nor Lesly and Max.

To the side is Lesly's car in case any of you wondered what it looked like, also Liam's motorcycle in last chapter :)

Vote?? Comment??


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