Girl Meets 7 Years

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*Liam, Harper, Connor and Charlotte all became teenage parents. Liam and Katy welcomed Alexander Luis and Ainsley Morgan Queen on May 11,  2060 at 0100. Harper and Vector welcomed Aria Harper Hunter on May 11, 2060 at 0200. Connor and Maria welcomed Austin James Queen on May 11, 2060 at 0300. Charlotte and Tom welcomed Tyler Beau and Brandon Jonas Branson on May 11, 2060 at 0400. Above are the children and some of the bedrooms. They are now 1.*
Can you get Alex for me?
I'll get Ainsley.
*Katy walks into Ainsley's princess room*
Hi baby.
*Ainsley just stares at Katy blankly*
I'll get you dressed in your princess outfit and tiara.
*gets Ainsley dressed*
There you go my beautiful girl!
*meanwhile with Liam and Alexander in his sports room*
Hi Alex.
*same blank expression *
I'll get you dressed in your sports jersey.
*gets him dressed*
There you go handsome boy
*Liam and Katy both walk out into the hallway at the same time with a child in their arms*
They are 1 Liam.
I know. Let's invite Harper, Connor, Charlotte and their families.
Okay. Since it's May 11, Aria, Austin, Tyler and Brandon also have their birthdays today.
*the doorbell rings and Liam gets it. Harper, Vector and Aria stand in the doorway*
Hi Harper! Come on in.
Alright. Thanks Liam for having us over.
*Harper gets Aria settled on the couch with Vector when the doorbell rings again. This time, it's Connor, Maria and Austin*
Hey Bro!
Hey Liam!
You can get settled. We are still waiting on Charlotte.
Alright. Thanks.
No problem.
*Maria takes Austin and sits next to Harper. Doorbell rings again and it reveals Charlotte, Tom, Tyler and Brandon*
Hey Sis!
Hi Bro. Thanks for having us.
*Charlotte takes Tyler and Tom takes Brandon to the couch*
Welcome siblings, nephews, nieces and in-laws. We are here to celebrate Alexander Luis Queen, Ainsley Morgan Queen, Aria Harper Hunter, Austin James Queen, Tyler Beau Branson and Brandon Jonas Branson's 1st birthday. Presents first, then cake and then games.
Here Ainsley and Alex first.
*Katy hands Alex and Ainsley their pile of presents*
*Alex immediately rips open all of his presents. He got a Star Wars figure, new pajamas with Darth Vader, a red lightsaber, R2D2 figure, iPad mini, an iTunes gift card for $100 and sunglasses. Ainsley got a blue lightsaber, R2D2 figure, new pajamas with Princess Leia, new dress, sunglasses, and iTunes gift card for $100, a book about princesses and an iPhone 6.*
Wow. That's a lot of presents guys.
Ainsley: ya. That's right dada. Thunk u for gifts.
She said her first words!!!!!
Alexander: I luv u mama and dada. Thunk u for presents.
He said his first words!!!!!!!
Alright. Aria's turn.
*she lays the presents in front of Aria.
Aria got a fairy wand, pink pajamas, leggings, high heeled boots, R2D2 figure, Leia figure, a pink lightsaber, an iTunes gift card for $50 and an iPhone 5.*
Aria: thank u mama and dada.
Were those her first words?!
No. She started talking when she was about 9 months.
Oh. Wow.
Austin's turn.
*Austin opens his. He got a green lightsaber, new dinosaur pajamas, R2D2 figure, Hans Solo t-shirt, University of Minnesota sweatshirt, iTunes gift card for $50 and an iPad air.*
Austin: thanks mom and dad.
His first words?
Nah. He started talking at 8 months.
Tyler and Brandon's turn.
*Tyler got a mint green lightsaber, Hans Solo Pjs, Chew Baca t-shirt, University of Michigan sweatshirt, R2D2 figure, iTunes gift card for $25 and an iPod 5. Brandon got a turquoise lightsaber, Hans Solo Pjs, Chew Baca t-shirt, University of Michigan sweatshirt, R2D2 figure, iTunes gift card for $25 and an iPhone 4*
Tyler: Thanks mom and dad.
Brandon: Thanks mom and dad for the presents.
First words?
Nope. Started at 7 months.
Oh. Thanks for coming guys!

Girl Meets ForeverOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz