Girl Meets 5 Years

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*5 years later. Alexander Luis, Ainsley Morgan, Aria Harper, Austin James, Tyler Beau and Brandon Jonas are 6. Liam and Katy welcomed Chase Michael Queen on June 20, 2062 at 0200 and he is 2. Harper and Vector welcomed another baby girl, Abigail Lane Hunter on June 20, 2062 at 0400 and she is 2. Connor and Maria welcomed Andrew Connor Queen also on June 20, 2062 at 0500 and he is also 2. Charlotte and Tom welcomed Brooklyn Rae Branson on June 20, 2062 at 0700 and she is also 2.*
Chase: mama?
Yes Chase?
Chase: get dress?
Sure. What do you wanna wear?
Chase: short and t shirt.
Okay come on.
*Katy takes Chase into his race car room and gets his Hans Solo t shirt and stormtrooper shorts*
Chase: thank u mama.
*he walks off to Alexander Luis, Katy and Liam's 6 year and oldest child*
You want another kid?
Maybe. I'd like another girl.
Let's have another one then!
Vector! Please get Abigail. I'll get Aria.
Okay sweetie.
*Harper goes into Aria's princess room*
Hi Aria.
Hi mom. I already put my princess Leia shirt on.
Okay. Wanna go help dad with Abby?
*Aria walks across the hall to her dad and into Abigail's diva room*
Hi dad. Can I help you?
Sure. Can you get Abby into her tutu for ballet lessons?
*Aria helps her sister while her parents have a conversation*
Yeah Harper?
I have some news.
What is it?
I'm pregnant Vector.
Yeah. I hope it's another girl!
Really?! I thought you'd want it to be a boy.
Nah. Girls are great.
Good. I wanted another girl too.
How far along are you?
14 weeks.
Alright. I'll get you an appointment.
*Vector calls Dr Smith*
He said we can come over in 30.
Okay. I'll ask Charlotte to watch Aria and Abby.
What about Abby's lesson?
Charlotte will take her.
*Charlotte comes over in 15 and Harper and Vector head to the doctor*
Harper Hunter to room 6 please.
*they walk to the room*
Hi Harper. Dr Smith here. Ready to see your baby?
*he pulls up the screen*
Okay. That's your baby.*he points to a blob on the screen* that's also your baby*he points to another blob*and that's also your baby*points to another blob*but, that's also your baby*he points to the last blob on the screen*
We are having quadruplets?!?!?!
Yeah. 3 times the extra work!
It's ok.
Would you like to know the genders?
Yes please.
Okay. baby A is a boy, baby B is a girl, baby C is a girl and baby D is a boy.
Two boys and two girls!!!!
We'll have two boys and four girls total!
I know. Let's go home!!!
*back at home*
Kids!!! We're home!!!!!
Aria and Abby: yay!!!! Is it a boy or a girl???????
Did you tell them Vector???
No. Maybe Charlotte did?
*they walk into the living room*
It's quadruplets!! Baby A is a boy, baby B is a girl, baby C is a girl and baby D is a boy.
*Charlotte leaves*
We need names.
For boys I like Ashton Keith and Austin Markus.
I like those too. For girls I like Allison Margaret and Anna Madison.
Awesome. Me too!!!
We have names.
Oh yeah. Liam called and said that they were expecting another child too and it's a girl and they are gonna name her Alena Marie Queen. Connor also called and said they are having a girl named Ashtyn Rae Queen. Charlotte and Tom are having a boy named Brock Thomas Branson.
Wow. Tell them that we are having quadruplets, 2 boys and 2 girl named Ashton Keith, Allison Margaret, Anna Madison and Austin Markus.
I'm gonna lie down for a bit.
*Harper goes in her bedroom and sleeps*
Dad, where's mom?
Sleeping. Why?
Can I watch a movie?
Sure. Which one?
*Vector gets Aria's tablet and pulls it up*
There you go. Ask Abby if she wants to watch too.
Ok. Thanks dad.
No problem.
*Aria walks off*
I'm gonna watch a baseball game now. Mets vs Twins. I'm a Twins fan so they better win.
*Vector turns the tv on to the sports channel and makes sure its the right teams*

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