What Is Going On At This School? Chapter 7

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It was room #5 and #8 which was Austin's and Ivan's rooms. When the doors opened Austin looked out to see what was going on and he spotted me right away. Jamie was watching him and gave him a look. 

Then said, "Hey if you want to eat you better help wake up everyone else!" When he said that it made my face have a smile on it and then, I see Ivan. Now that I have a good look at him he is 5ft9, has black hair with auburn highlights when the sun shines on it and light brown eyes. 

He was walking slowly out of his room and looked like he had a hangover from last night.

Ivan's MOT:

I get up with an hangover and I know I need to eat something so I decide to go and get something. Also, I know their is something else I'm supposed to do, but I don't remember what it is. Grabbed my room key and opened the door to see another door open at the same time as me and it happens to be Austin.

I hear Jamie's voice talking to him and so I closed my door and locked it. I'm walking towards the hallway then I see her. Then, I remember what I had done last night and I feel terrible.


Guess I'm gonna have to pull her aside to talk to her after we eat. Anyways, I really need to take something, because my head is starting to spin again. Walked past Austin and pass everyone else to get to the kitchen to take some Alka Seltzer. 

Once I was in the kitchen to get it I had noticed all the food she had prepared for everyone. The aroma and seeing it as I open the cupboard to grab the seltzer. Got a cup of cold water dropped the two tablets in and watched it bubble until it dissolved to be able to drink it.

After it was done I drank the whole cup down so that my dizziness will be gone. When I had finished I went back to the hallway to help them wake everyone else. Not only that I need to eat because I'm starting to have the munchies.

As soon as I got back to them I looked at Jamie and nodded my head at him. He nodded back at me with a grin on his face as he did. 

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