Why Do I Have To Go To This School? Chapter 3

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He is starting to freak me out a little bit.

(Backing up)


Alixia's MOT:

I feel like there is someone behind me. So I look and there is one of the guys that took Ivan to his room. He looks as if he works out in the weight room from all the muscles he has.

"Hey, sorry about Ivan, my name is Jamie Stryker and Austin you should think about the trip she had to get here. She is probably tired and wants to go to her room since it's getting late." he said. "Well, I am a little tired, but I haven't had anything to eat since I got here." I said. 

"Do you mind if I look in the kitchen to see what I could make to eat? While you guys figure out what movie you're going to watch. That's if you don't mind?"

"No, go right ahead just mind some stuff in the fridge with some of our names on things, but if you ask us I don't think we would care." Jamie said. The guys heard him and they all nodded their heads in agreement.

"Okay, thanks and don't mind me go on about discussing about the movie problem. Also, I really don't mind what kind of movie it is." I said to them. Opened the fridge and looked around. 

The first thing I see is some boneless chicken breast and it made my stomach start to growl.


So I looked to see if it had anyone's name on it. Their wasn't so I took a piece and put it on a cutting board I found on the counter. All I needed now was a knife to cut it with.

I looked in the drawers and then I see Alexander beside me with a knife in his hand saying, "Looking for this?" With a smile on his face that made my heart beat. Hoping he didn't hear it I said, "Yes and thanks." 

He put it on the counter beside the cutting board for me and went back to the others. After he left I started cutting the chicken and putting it in the pan I had ready on the stove. Put some lemon pepper, basil, onion powder and garlic powder on it and the aroma came lifting up from the pan. 

Which made my stomach hungry even more then it was, but I knew I wasn't done yet. I felt like I was being stared at again so I looked up and saw some of the guys in front of the counter watching me. It was weird having the guys watch me while I'm making food. 

So I go back at looking inside of the fridge to see what else I could make with it for a side dish. Grabbed some noodles that were in a container on the counter and filled a pan with water to a boil. I pull out some butter, minced garlic, and milk. 

Putted the butter and minced garlic in a sauce pan to mix them together then added some milk, salt and pepper to it. Then, quickly added some flour to the sauce mix I was making. By the time it got done my water started to boil and added the noodles and waited for the noodles and chicken to be done. 

Started looking for a plate in the top cupboard and grabbed the first one I see. I set it on the counter to get it ready. "So what are you making? It smells really good!" said Brenden from behind the counter.

"I'm making chicken alfredo, but my style of making it and I'm glad that you think it smells good!" I said. "Well at least I know some more people can cook around here other then myself and Liam." said Brenden.

Brenden's MOT:

She is pretty interesting and I know Alexander thinks so too, because he can sense something from her that we don't know about so far. I hope she can relax with us and have fun being here, but also starting at this school is going to be hard at first and then it will be easier once she gets the hang of it. "So are you a good cook because if you are they will ask you to make food for them twenty-four seven every day?"

"I do like to cook when I feel like it, but other then that at my home we order food. Don't mind if they ask me, but they will have to tell me the day before what they would like to eat." said Alixia. I watch her drain the noodles and put it on the plate that she had out. 

Then, added the chicken that was done in the sauce mix and putted it on the plate of noodles. She was looking for a fork in the small drawers under neath the counters. Until I said, "It's the one closest to the fridge." 

"Thanks otherwise, it would take me a long time until my food would be cold." she said. "No problem soon you will get used to everything here." "Yeah, it's just going to take me a while to get used to it, but I know I can." She said as she was eating her food at the counter.

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