What Is Going On At This School? Chapter 6

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Just to let you guys know I've been busy lately with family problems this past couple months. So that's why it took me a while to write this chapter for you. I hope you enjoy it!!!! Also please comment about it and let me know what you think or if you might have any ideas for the next chapter and don't forget to vote!!!!!!^_^


"No your fine I just wasn't expecting to being back hugged after just getting done from my shower though." "Well I just thought it would be nice to say good morning to you so I hope it's alright?" Kenny said. "No problem and we should probably head back though and I need to go to my room real quick."

 "So I will meet you in the dinning room/kitchen for breakfast." "Alright I will see you their." Kenny said. As I was walking towards the hallway door to my room. 

I hear some movement in the others rooms hoping that they would get to try my food I prepared.

Jamie's MOT:

All I know is that I heard some noises coming from the kitchen, because I have good hearing and that I'm a werewolf, but also a good sense of smell too. So I know I should get off my bed as I open my eyes I see that I'm just in my boxers and nothing else. I know if I go out their now in just my boxers with Alixia here it would make her be embarrassed even though my wolf "Lex" won't care.

*It's not that I don't care it's just the first time having a girl live here makes me want to be near her in a way!* says Lex. "Well as long as you don't freak her out Lex we won't have to worry except for about Alexander." *If he does something to her that I don't like I will take over immediately!* Lex says in a serious tone.

"I will let you if it comes down to that Lex trust me." *Alright now get up and go see what's going on in the kitchen.* Lex replies curiously.  As soon as he left my mind I got up and went to my closet. 

Grabbed a blue V-neck shirt and black jeans to put on before going out of the room. When I was done I left my room and walked towards the kitchen to see what was up. I see Kenny in the hallway whistling to a song.

"Hey Kenny how's it going?" I say to him. "Oh, hey Jamie you heading towards the kitchen too?" said Kenny. "Yea I thought I heard someone in the kitchen making a lot of noise so I thought I would check it out." I replied.

"Who you heard was Alixia making breakfast for everyone. I just saw her coming out of her bathroom, but she had to go in her room real quick." said Kenny. "Do you think we should wake everyone else up before she comes back?"

Before I even get an answer from him all of a sudden a door opens and both myself and Kenny turns our heads to see who it was. "What's going on?" says Liam rubbing his eye. As he was coming out of room #11 in sweatpants and a white t-shirt.

"Well it sounds like their is breakfast that is ready for everyone that's if they are willing to wake  up and eat. Also, it wasn't Brenden that had made breakfast." says Jamie. "Then, if it wasn't Brenden and I know it wasn't me because I have been sleeping in my room this whole time."

"Do you think it was Alixia then?" says Liam. Then, Alixia's door starts to open and she starts walking are way. "That is a good question why don't you ask her now?" says Jamie.

Alixia's MOT:

As I walk out of my room I hear my name I believe from Liam. He is 5ft6, kind of short brown wavy hair and wearing sweatpants with a white t-shirt that fits him nice. Which got me distracted for a minute or two.

"Ask me what?" While walking towards the three of them. His deep green eyes were watching me as I came forward.

"Did you make breakfast this morning for everyone?" says Liam. "I did. Why do you ask?" "Well, I was just curious that's all." says Liam.

"Let's get to waking up everyone else so we can eat and so I could get to know you guys more. Also, I'm hungry from doing all that work early in the morning preparing to make breakfast." "Alrighty then lets get started because just smelling the food is making my stomach making noises." said Jamie.

*Your not the only one just smelling her from here is making me want to jump on her.* says Lex. Another two doors open.

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