Chapter 3

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Sam walks into your room finding you and Dean asleep together in the same bed.
You get a text from your ex, Bryan as Dean wakes up and see's it.

"So, uh, who's Bryan?" Dean asks uncomfortably.

"My stalker ex boyfriend who doesn't leave me alone" you say annoyed.

"I'll take care of him" says Dean grabbing your phone and running down the hallway into the kitchen with it. You chase after him as you hear the sound of the phone buzzing through looking for an answer. When finally your ex answers.

"Hey babe, what's u-" he's interrupted by Dean

"Now you listen up, you better leave my girlfriend alone" Dean says in the deepest, most intimidating voice he could possibly force out of his mouth.

"Uh, sorry dude" says Bryan as he quickly hangs up the phone. You and Dean both break out into fits of laughter.

"So, I'm your girlfriend now?" You ask jokingly. Dean pauses not knowing what to say.

"I'm kid-" you start to say, but Dean interrupts you by smashing his lips onto yours.

"Dea-" you hear Sam say cutting himself off "uhh sorry, again" you pull away from Dean embarrassed.

"Um, I need to go to the uhh, bathroom, so um, I'm just gonna go there, now" you choke out and walk away as fast as you can, forgetting you don't know where it is. You poke your head out of the wall

"Dean?" You ask

"Yeah?" He replies

"I don't know where the bathroom is" you say quietly. He laughs a bit.

"Just use the one in my room" he says.

"Okay thanks." You say.

You turn around and walking at a fast pace again until you find deans room. It was cleaner than you thought, there was a pile of clothes stuffed away into the corner, but apart from that it was pretty clean. You walked through and opened the door to the bathroom, which was so clean, everything so neat and perfectly in place. You really did need to pee so you did, but you turned around and just as you were about to flush, the red colour of the toilet bowl water caught your eye. The worst time ever to get my period. You think, how am I supposed to ask them for 'lady products'. You stuff toilet paper into your underwear, pull up your pants, wash your hands and head out to look for Dean.

You find Dean in the kitchen with Sam in the middle of a conversation, you have no choice but to butt in.

"Dean? I'm really sorry to butt in, I don't want to be rude, but I really need to talk to you, like right now" you say. He turns his head to read your face.

"Yep, no problem, what is it?" He asks kindly.

"I uhh.." You look from him to Sam, then back to him.

"Oh, sorry I'm gone" says Sam walking out of the room. You wait until you know Sam can't hear you and then talk as quiet as you can just to make sure.

"I'm kind of.. Uh.. bleeding" you say, not really sure how to say it.

"Where? How? What happened?" Says Dean, ready to pounce anything that hurt you.

"Not, like, that.." You say looking away.

"Ohh" he says dragging it out. "Well we need to get you stuff anyway if you're gonna be staying here" he said

"I'm staying?" You say confused.

"I mean yeah if you want to" says Dean sitting still "so, just write a list of what you need and I'll pick it up now." Says Dean as he smiles, then quickly wipes it off his face.

"Ok well, I need something to write it down with" you say, starting to kind of ease yourself into the fact that Dean Winchester knows you're on your period.

"I'll be right back" he says quickly walking off and disappearing around a corner.

He comes back about a minute later with a pen and a piece of paper.
"Here" he says handing it to you. "I'm gonna go finish my conversation with Sam, call out to me when you're finished"

You start writing down things like:
-Shaving cream
-Hair brush

"I think that's it" you say quietly to yourself.

"Dean!" You sing out, not too loud, but loud enough that he could hear you.

"Hold on, I'm coming!" You hear him call back.
You see him turn the corner and start walking toward you as he grabs the piece of paper, folds it in half and shoves it in his pocket.

"Will you be alright until I get back?" Dean asks smirking.

"Yeah I think I'll be fine" you say slightly laughing

"I'll be back soon, Sam said you can hang out with him until I get back, if you want, he's in his room" he says walking away.

"Ok" you say walking down the hallway toward Sam's room. You get to the door and contemplate if you should knock or just walk in, you decide to knock, not wanting him to think you're rude because of all the instances that happened as soon as you came here.
You knock on his door, but it was already open so as you knocked the door just opened wider.

"Come in" Sam said with a bit of a laugh.
You walk in scanning the room as your eyes stop on none other than a shirtless Sam laying in his bed closing and setting down a book he must've been just reading. You just stood there for a moment unsure of what to do or where to go.

"You can come sit down you know" Sam says patting a spot on the bed next to him. You walk over and sit down on the bed next to him.

"Sorry I didn't give you the greatest first impression" you say turning your body to face him.

"What? No, it's fine." He says, turning his body to face you and looking into your eyes.

"Okay" you say sounding unsure.

He starts to move closer to your face.

Do you kiss or dodge Sam?
We'll find out in the next part.

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