Chapter 2

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(Skip past bold print if you don't need a recap)
You're walking down the hallway and
you hear Sam and Dean arguing about
if you should stay or not, Dean says you're
cute and you scream out "I'm fine staying here"
Find out what happens next now.

There's a moment of silence before you start hearing footsteps walking to the door in front of you, what are you going to do? What will they say? What will they think of you? Why did you do that? They'll think you're some mentally retarded obsessed superfan. It feels like forever before the door slowly starts opening and Dean looks out at you.
"Um, were you eavesdropping on our conversation?" He says, with an honestly curious tone, but giving you a smirk at the same time.
What do you say? Do you admit you were eavesdropping? Do you lie?
"No, sorry I was walking down the hall and heard one of you say she probably misses her family, so I assumed you were talking about me, I should've just ignored it, sorry it was kind of rude." You say looking down.
"So you didn't hear the part where I called you cute?" Dean said quietly knowing Sam was just a few feet behind him.

"No, I didn't." you say slightly smiling.

"Maybe we should talk about this uhh, somewhere else?" He says and winks at you.

"Sure" you say laughing.

"Sam, were heading out, be back in a few" says Dean, now standing in the hallway next to you.

"Okay" says Sam, you can tell he's confused.

"So, where are we going?" You ask
patiently while walking out to the black '67 Chevrolet Impala.

"Probably just a diner, I don't know. Where do you want to go?" Dean asks while getting in the vehicle.

"You can sit in the passenger seat, I don't bite." He says before closing the car door.
You climb into the passenger seat of the car, close the door and then you both leave.

"So, you aren't a vegetarian, are you?" He asks you jokingly.

"No, I'm vegan, is there a problem?" You say back trying to stay serious.

"Are you-" he starts, but then gets interrupted by your laughter.

"So, you're joking?" He asks

"Yes, I'm joking" You burst out into a fit of laughter, he pulls into a parking lot to a restaurant that you don't know the name of.

You both get out of the car, walk in and sit down in a booth. The lady comes to take your order,
"what would you two like" she says with a smile.
"Just pie for me" you and Dean both say in unison.
You both laugh.
"Okay two slices of pie, or one?" She asks, probably thinking you guys are a couple.
"Two" you say still kind of laughing.
"Okay is that all?" She asks smiling.
"Yes" you and Dean both say.
The waitress leaves, the restaurant is nearly empty. You and Dean look into each other's eyes and then Dean's eyes slowly wander down to your lips and then back up to your eyes again, you look away, being shy, but then quickly look back and start leaning in toward his face, your lips are just about to touch when you get interrupted by a familiar voice with an English accent.
"Awwe look at the two love birds" he says mockingly
"What do you want Crowley?" Dean asks annoyed.
"Just checking in" he says with a smirk.
"Okay, well you've checked in, now you can leave." Says Dean still annoyed.
"As you wish" says Crowley before snapping his fingers and disappearing like last time.
"Way to ruin everything, Crowley" Dean mutters not realizing he said it aloud.
A few minutes later the waitress comes with your pie, you finish and walk back out to the car in silence.

You both sit in the car for a moment before looking at each other and leaning in again for a second attempt...
I just kissed Dean Winchester. You realize.
Stay away from him. Says a voice with an English accent inside your head.
He's been with more girls than anyone can count and you know it. Crowley's voice comes back invading your mind.
"Crowley?" You accidentally say aloud.
"That son of a bitch, where is he?" Dean says in a deep angered voice.
Don't you dare tell him. Crowley says
You point to your head and put your finger over your lips.
Then say aloud
"Sorry I was just daydreaming" then wink.
Good girl. Says Crowley again inside your head.
"Okay, we should get back" you say yawning.
"Yeah, lets go" Dean's words echo in your mind as you drift away to sleep on the leather seat of the vehicle.
You get home and Dean realizes you're asleep, obviously he doesn't want to wake you so he picks you up and carries you into a bedroom next to his, he starts to walk away, but you grab his arm and mutter
"Don't leave, stay here with me" while still being half asleep
"Alright, I'll stay with you for a while" he says taking his jacket and shirt off. He lays down next to you, but drifts off to sleep.

You wake up to Sam's voice
"Y/N, Dean's g-, oh , um, sorry" Your eyes flutter open and Dean is there laying beside you.
"Woah, no, I fell asleep in the car and he carried me in and then he fell asleep too" You say assuring nothing happened last night between you and Dean.
"Okay" said Sam walking out of the room.
"Castiel, I found him, yes, he's fine" you hear Sam say to Castiel.
You grab your phone and see you have a text from your ex
Hey babe, I love you, can we see each other soon?
Dean starts to wake up and realizes he's in bed with you and see's the text


What will Dean think about the text?
You'll find out in the next chapter.

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