This is Where We Fall | pt.3

Start from the beginning

That stirred a mixture of soft laughter from everyone. Ludwig nodded, his smile now bittersweet.

"I suppose you're right, bruder." Leave it to Gilbert to always lighten the mood. The taller German looked at everyone in silence for a moment before giving a little nod with his head.

"This is it... I'm sure we will meet again in the future."

With that, Ludwig opened the door of the meeting room. Everyone reluctantly filed out and down the stairs as the chains of death locked around their ankles. Each step was a step closer to death row.


[ Gilbert's P.O.V ]

Hell yeah, I get some insight in this.

The moment Ludwig opened the door, everyone split up at the bottom of the stairs. Francis and Eyebrows ventured down the hall and towards the parlor where a bunch of those nasty dead people were. Berwald half carried Mathias outside towards the back. The big Russian dick half carried Toris towards the kitchen to where a couple of biters hobbled into.

I was quite surprised to see Matthew request to fight alone. He ran off into one of the hallways on the second floor, leaving Francis and Arthur staring after him. How pitiful.

Ah, but that doesn't matter now. The group I'm in is with my brother, Toni, and Piano Ass. What a killer group this is, huh? Ha. Get it. Killer. Cause we're going to be killed.

We ran out to the front yard of the building to where a majority of the biters were. Luckily, or maybe it was unfortunately, for us this is where a majority of all those biters were. All were walking about whilst minding their own boring business but soon turned one by one as our footsteps reached them. So, this will be our final ground.

"There's so many..." Antonio breathed in shock beside me. He was staring out at the large mass of biters that now started to walk towards us. There had to be at least thirty, maybe even forty.

"You ready?" I asked him, flashing him a grin. He gave me an uneasy nod as a he returned my smile equally.

"You know I always am, mi amigo."

Just like the old days... I remember just as if it were yesterday Toni, Francis, and I were teaming up to fight against Rodriech. Of course, at that time, we had the whole world and all we could ever ask for. We didn't have to worry significantly about our own well beings. But, I'm not going to let that spoil this awesome time.

I watched Antonio run straight into the herd of biters, screaming as he did so. When he ran, I briefly got a glimpse of his eyes. They were filled with anger; filled with pain. The green was vibrant and bright when the biters reflected off of it.

So... He's using the thought of Lovino and Feliciano to aid him in this battle. That's all that ever was on his mind now. He would mumble about it and occasionally talk to me about it. Soon he'll be reunited with them both. I guess that means I'll be reunited with her after this as well...

Shaking that out of my thoughts, I, too, ran into the opponents cluster. The moment I stepped before them, everything swirled.

I stabbed my knife into multiple skulls; I couldn't keep count. I felt hands and teeth grab and pierce into me but that didn't stop me. My fierce hand with the knife still slashed through the air, sending bodies down with a thud. I continued to kill and slay like a bitch.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Antonio fall. His figure disappeared into a group of biters that surrounded him. When he fell, the biters hunched over and started their turn to attack him. Did he scream? Was he even moving? I couldn't tell. Everything I was witnessing was a blur. Nonetheless, I continued to fight with the adrenaline that pumped through my veins.

This Is Where We Fall (Hetalia Zombie Apocalypse AU)Where stories live. Discover now