"Morning Dad," Kaiden cheered, as he came down into the living room and jumped onto of me.

"Morning Son, how are you?" I asked him, handing him the tv remote.

"I'm good, just really hungry," He says, looking at me with innocent, big brown eyes. I laugh at his attempt to hypnotize me.

"Come on, how does lucky charms sound?" I asked Kaiden. He smiled a pleasing smile.

"That sounds like music to my ears!" He says dreamily. I put him on my shoulders, and give him and piggy back ride into the kitchen. I place Kaiden on a stool around the island and start to make him breakfast.

"What's the plan for today then dad?" Kaiden asked me as he twisted and turned on the stool.

"I'm not sure, how about we visit Jacob?" I suggests and he pulls a face.

"Again?" He asked, sighing in a upset manner.

"Why? What's wrong with going to see Jacob?" I question him, not seeing a problem at all.

"We go to his house all the time!" He protested. He does have a valid point...

"Where do you want to go then?" I asked him, placing a bowl full of lucky charms in front of him. He takes the spoon and begins to eat.

"I don't know, what about the village?" He suggested, chewed up lucky charms and milk escaping from his mouth.

"Ewwww!" Katiln said from behind. She was in the doorway of the kitchen, her face screwed up. I laughed and gave her a big bear hug.

"Morning to you too Dad," She giggled, squirming and wriggling around around in my arms.

"Good morning sunshine, how does a trip to the village sound?" I asked her, planting kisses on her forehead. Just like how I kiss Rosie's forehead.

"Sounds like music to my ears!" She squealed happily, clapping her hands in excitement. Kaiden laughs, obviously remembering that he said the same thing earlier.

"Well let's get going!" I smile and they both bubble with excitement as they ditch their breakfast and race up the stairs. I start to clear away the breakfast dishes, when Rosie enters the kitchen in a flower print top and high waist denim jeans. She looked perfect.

"Morning, I made you breakfast," I say nervously. We haven't spoken since last night. The atmosphere had shifted from giggling and laughter, to awkwardness and anger.

"Thanks, where are you all of too?" Rosie asked, smiling at me kindly. I eased up a bit and place a bowl of her favorite cereal in front of her.

"It's not a big breakfast, but it comes from the heart," I smile at her. She laughs as she looks at the Crunchy nut cereal before her eyes.

"It looks delicious," She chuckled. I walked over to her and hugged her tight.

"I really am sorry Rosie, if only you knew how demanding work is," I apologize.

"I get it, you have to work so then we can have food and clothes and a house, I should respect that," She replies. I let her go so she can eat her food. I go upstairs and check on the twins. I enter Kaiden's room first and to my surprise, he's is dressed and ready, wearing his white polo shirt and jeans. He looks up, holding one foot of his converse, the other on his left foot.

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