VIIII- Ignorant

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I woke up to someone touching me, no, more like shaking me. They weren't shaking me roughly just enough to wake me.

I groaned and turned over, I expected to see Ramsay yet a face of a girl stared back at me. I jumped up and pulled the blankets over my exposed body.

The girl gave me a friendly smile, "Don't worry about that, were both ladies arn't we?"

"I-I don't know who you are!" I told her and kept the blankets over me, where was Ramsay when I needed him?!

"I'm your new handmaid, Myranda. Ramsay told me to help you dress, he also told me to clean the bed." The girl held her smile but their was an edge to her voice.

I nodded slightly and looked down at the bed, there was blood on the sheets. "Was somebody bleeding?" I said aloud thinking to myself.

"Yes, you."Myranda replied her smile dropping, "And not from all those Bruises and scratches you have there."

I looked down at my body, there were brusies and cuts. Damn you Ramsay, now everyone in DeadFort would know.....well everything.

I looked away embarrassed before Myranda spoke again, "I laid out your dress over there, " Myranda pointed out a red and black dress laid out on a small table accompanied by two wooden chairs.

I nodded to her and sighed before removing myself from the bed and dressing, I felt uncomfortable in front of her without clothes but she was my new handmaiden now.

After I dressed I turned around to see Myranda had cleaned and changed the bed and bedsheets. "Thank you." I said to Myranda.

"I'll see you later for your bath my lady." Myranda spoke softly now.

I have her a nodd and left the room, something wasn't right about that girl. I walked down and into the room they kept the hounds. People had told me that Ramsay had chased people down and murdered them with the hounds. I also heard that Reek or Theon Greyjoy- the man who betrayed the Starks- was in a cage along with the hounds.

When I reached the room several gaurds looked at me supisously but didn't say anything or try to stop me from entering the room. I scanned the room full of barking dogs I saw him, Reek, huddled in a corner of a cage looking at me in fear. I walked towards his cage and opened it. He didn't say anything but moved as far away as possible from me.

"I'm not going to hurt you."I told him with a kind smile.

Reek shook before answering, "I'm not allowed to talk to you." Reek said.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Why not?"

"My master said so."Reek replied.

The word disgusted me 'master'. He ment Ramsay and I knew it, I knew Ramsay was horrible but keeping this man in here is worse than I thought he was. "You won't get in trouble, I promise."

Reek reluctantly inched closer to me, "You don't seem like master."

"Stop!" I yelled which caused Reek to flinch, "Don't call him master." I ordered Reek.

Reek nodded a little bit and spoke again, "I'm sorry.."

I frowned, "It's not your fault. What did he do to you?" I asked examining the man's horrible living conditions.

Reek looked down to the ground, "I don't want to talk about it...." he said quietly.

"Theon its-" I spoke but Reek interuppted me.

"Reek." Reek said.

I shook my head, "No, your name is Theon."

"Reek, he said my name is Reek." Reek replied.

"Your name is Theon when you speak to me." I said firmly, this man, he was so fragile. I didn't feel shy around him, I felt like I had so much power over him.

Theon didn't reply and just nodded at me, he was visibly afraid of me.

"Now get up Theon, I'm taking you to the measter. You look horrible." I said and commented.

Theon didn't move he just stared behind me in fear.

"What is it...?" I asked turning around to see an angry, red faced bastard in my face.

I instantly regretted my decisions.

Days later

Just like the days before out wedding Ramsay kept me locked in our bedchambers. Instead of being in a cage, he kept me locked inside the room. The windows were covered and there was not light, except for when Ramsay would come back every night and......

I sat on the end of the bed, if my counting was right I was in here for at least a week. I looked to the door as Ramsay entered the bedchambers. I frowned as Ramsay grinned at me. "You're beginning to bore me Gracelynn." Ramsay said in a cold voice.

I looked to the ground, "What does that mean?" I whispered.

"Get out, I had Myranda run you a bath." Ramsay took my wrist roughly and pushed me to the door.

Another woman was at the door waiting for me the leave before she entered. Her clothes didn't leave much to the imagination, a very low cut top, no sleeves, and I'm not going to mention how far her dress was up. "Who is this?" I turned to Ramsay, I felt anger. Was he trying to replace me?

"Gracelynn I'm loosing my paitence." Ramsay growled at me with his cold blue eyes.

I glared at the woman before heading to the bath. Myranda was there already and had a sponge tightly in her hand. Her knuckles were white she had been holding the sponge so tight.

I undressed and stepped into the bath. "Myranda." I said looking at her, she was washing my hair.

"Yes, Gracelynn." Myranda's voice was also cold a lot like Ramsay's.

I looked down to the water. "Ramsay had another woman in our chambers.... Why?"

Myranda laughed, "He is getting bored of you, and so you know what happens when he gets bored of his lovers?"

I shook my head, "I'm not his lover though." I said.

Mryanda shrugged, "True, you're his wife." I felt Myranda give my hair a slight painful tug. "So, he'll probably get a child or two out of you, depending if it's a boy or a girl. Then he'll be done with you. You'll meet the same fate that woman will meet later."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Myranda laughed again, "He is going to kill her. That is what he does when he gets bored."

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