Moros' Birthday and Mates

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Timeline doesnt make sense but I think I meant that that week was at the end of last school year. Moros finished his previous year as Harry and is spending his summer break at the Malfoy Manor. Sorry for confusing timeline.
Draco's POV

Today was Moros' birthday! We have been getting closer all summer but he gets his mate today or tomorrow. And as much as I'll hate it, I'll have to let him go. It would be pathetic of me to still like someone who has found their soulmate.
I got him a necklace for his birthday though. It's a dragon made with silver and an emerald dragon scale. It has a protection charm on it that would protect Moros from any small hexes. I got myself a raven made of obsidian and silver with the same charm. I had woken up before the raven for once, he was a night owl and a morning person making what I just did a difficult task to achieve. I walked down the stairs as quietly as possible after putting on a black pair of jeans and a silver flannel with an emerald green t shirt. I walked to the kitchen and asked one of the elves to help me wrap up the necklace in a fancy but cute way. It ended up wrapped up in green wrapping paper with a silver ribbon. And as soon as he touches the box, black glitter spells 'Happy Birthday Moros!' and a black dragon above the box in fancy font. I thought it was perfect. The cake was a 3 layer marble cake with white frosting and a raven figure on the top as a candle, so when he blows out the candle the bird shoots into the air flys in a circle around the room and then poofs into black and silver sprinkles on top of the cake. Once I was done setting everything up I heard everyone talking in the dining room and small footsteps on the stairs. I rushed into the dining room and took my seat with my family.

Moros' POV

I woke up in the king bed alone and was disappointed for some reason. I put on light gray jeans and a black sweater. I then brushed out my hair and Dutch braided it. I walked down the stairs and into the dining room. The first person to notice me was Draco and he practically apperated over to me and gave me a hug. He whispered happy birthday in my ear. I laughed and hugged him tightly back.
We took our seats and everyone else wished me a happy birthday. Food popped up in front of us and I grabbed a few pancakes with some bacon. Draco grabbed some french toast and sausage. Everyone got out the present from themselves and started to hand them to me. Snape got me a new cauldron, Narcissia and Lucius got me new clothes for my wardrobe and my dad got me a small pocket mirror that if I opened it I would be able to see him and talk to him. And finally Draco handed me a small green box with a silver ribbon. As soon as I picked it up a black glitter dragon shot up along with the words 'Happy Birthday Moros!' I could feel tears already slipping from my eyes and so I looked down and pulled on the silver ribbon. I then slowly and carefully unrapped the small box and then opened it. Inside was a small, emerald green dragon necklace. With tears in my eyes I looked up at him and he was smiling. He pulled on the chain around his neck and a small black raven popped out of his neck collar. I shot up and hugged him really tight and soaking his shirt. I've never celebrated my birthday before or gotten presents but right now, all that mattered was my arms around Draco. I was so happy to be surrounded by people who actually liked me for my birthday. After I got my tears under check, we all sat around and played board games together until lunch. We had a light lunch and then watched horror movies till dinner. At dinner,out came a cake. It was a plain, white cake and a black raven candle on top.
I slowly stood up and blew out the candle. I was startled and stumbled back a bit when the candle got up and flew around the room, but was delighted when the raven exploded into sprinkles on the cake. I laughed like a little kid and cut a slice of cake for everybody. After we ate cake we got ready for bed and went to sleep.
I woke up early the next morning and felt off. I walked over to the bathroom and took a long, warm shower. When I got out I realized that Draco was gone and that I still felt off. I walked over to my dresser and put on black skinny jeans with a green sweatshirt and black t shirt. I slipped on the dragon necklace and walked down the stairs.
I smelled the air trying to tell what was for breakfast but instead smelled something much sweeter. Distinctly of vanilla and mint. I felt my feet moving quickly and my mind was racing along with them. I opened up a door and tackled the person that smelled so sweetly. I felt a small growl in the back of my throat and my mind kept on screaming at me 'Mate!' I couldn't let go either. I didn't want to hurt the person but my body wouldn't let me let go. "Mate." I said softly and I slowly opened my eyes to see who it was.
I had to lift my head a bit and realized that I was on top of Draco! His eyes were opened up really wide and I scrambled off of him and raced up to our room and locked the door. I can't believe I did that! He probably thinks I'm a freak now! What should I do!?! I can't play something like calling him my mate a game! Of all the people it could have been, why him?!? Now he's going to hate me!

Draco's POV

I woke up to the sound of the shower. I put on some black comfy pants and a silver sweatshirt. I walked downstairs and turned on an episode of Black Butler. After that episode, I got up to go to the bathroom but instead I got tackled by a small figure. My eyes widened and I looked down to see who it was, when I saw Moros I calmed down and was about to ask him what's up when I heard a soft growl and a 'Mate'. My eyes widened even more and he looked up to meet my gaze. He looked just as surprised as me! He scrambled off of me and ran back up the stairs. I was still laying on my back and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.
I learned two different things right then
1)I was his mate
2)I no longer need to go pee

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