"You were practically licking each other's tonsils." Harry teased. Louis flipped him off.

"It's been twenty minutes and they still haven't called us, what is going on?" Jesy huffed sitting on the edge of her chair looking down the hall that leads to the conference rooms.

"Renee didn't tell you?" Niall asked, Jesy snapped her head towards him, "Tell us what?" she questioned.

"Alicia told us that Renee got held up with some other person who works higher up in management and it would take another thirty or so minutes." Liam explained as if we were supposed to know. "She didn't tell you guys?"

"She didn't." Perrie said looking as if she was in deep thought, "Why wouldn't she tell us."

"I don't know but, whatever it was it must be important if it couldn't wait until we finished our meeting." Leigh looked over at me then at everyone else, "Maybe their discussing our 'punishment' or something."

Jesy sighed, "Leigh we're not children, they're not going to punish us."

"Yeah but, what else could they be talking about."

Jesy sighed once again this time in defeat.

"Let's just think happy thoughts." Niall piped up smiling, "Nothing but happy thoughts." He kept repeating it like he was being therapeutic but, it just made my nerves worse.

"Niall! We get it we're all thinking happy thoughts!" I snapped causing a few other people in the waiting area to give me annoyed glances.

He turned to me with a wide expression, "Doesn't sound like it." I just simply rolled my eyes and felt Louis running his thumb across the back of my hand immediately calming me down.

So we sat there each in our own conversations. Leigh talking with Harry. Perrie, Liam, and Niall talking, and Jesy still sat silently on her phone occasionally joining Leigh and Harry in conversation. Louis and I stayed in our spots also talking. For the most part the building wasn't very busy and it was just us eight in the waiting area know. After another fifteen minutes, a lady in a pantsuit informed us that they were ready for us.

The nerves that had calmed down soon erupted as a flock of butterflies in my stomach. Louis grabbed my hand which to no surprise eased me nerves.

The Modest! Building was much different than Syco. It was not as many stories and the rooms were all made of glass. Everything was black or white making the whole building look very futuristic.

Down the hall we saw Renee and Alicia sitting at a glass conference table with a few other people from both of our management teams in Conference Room C. For the first time ever I saw that Renee looked...nervous and unsure. She usually carried a confidence that was never cocky but always intimidating.

The pantsuit clad lady opened the door and led us into it the room. Once an unfamiliar man who sat at the head of the table dismissed her she scrambled out of the room.

"Have a seat," the man said. He was wearing a grey suit and his grey hair was short and slightly quiffed in the front. He wore a friendly smile but his cold blue eyes made me uncomfortable whenever they landed on me.

We walked to the table and all sat on one side. Jesy sat closest to the man, then Harry, Niall, myself, Perrie, Leigh, Liam then Louis. I looked over at Alicia and she sat surprisingly, with the same expression as Renee.

He waited for us to get settled to speak again "I don't believe we have met, I'm Jack Sawyer." he smiled looking over all of us. We took our turns introducing ourselves and shaking his callused hand.

The Story of Mixed DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now