Day 16: So Close

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Peridot's P.O.V

'Thank Diamond that the ship is still in working order. Ever since the incident nothing else has gone wrong. Jasper has been nicer since then, too. She's been keeping me company here in the control room. She actually... Kind of makes me happy.' I feel a smile come to my face and sigh. 'Ugh... I feel like an idiot for letting myself like her.'

As I steer the ship, I start getting a bit bored of it. So, I put the ship on auto-pilot and walk out of the control room. While I walk down the corridor, I check a few of the panels to make sure they're in working order. I then walk towards Jaspers room and knock on the door. The only answer I get from the other side is silence.

I tilt my head in confusion and open the door. I walk in and look around the room. As I look around, I notice Jasper lying on the floor, hands behind her head and eyes closed. I walk over and kneel down next to her, looking confused. "Jasper? What are you doing? Are you okay," I ask her, a bit worried. I get no response from her and freak out a bit. I start shaking her gently and get a low growl in return.

"What do you want, Peridot...? Is it important?" She opens her cat like eyes to look up at me and I feel my face heat up.

"Uhm... No, I just... Wanted to see where you were. I hadn't seen you today and I didn't know what you were doing... What are you doing? Why were your eyes closed? Are you okay?" Jasper just laughs and nods.

"I'm fine, Peridot. It's what the humans call 'sleep.' It's very... Relaxing and nice. It's a kind of weird feeling. You should try it."

"Oh, no. I can't. I have things that need to be done and--waah!" Before I finish my sentence Jasper pulls me down on top of her. I feel my face heat up and try to get away. "J-Jasper! What are you doing?!"

"You need to relax, you're too stressed. Now come on. Just lie down and take a break." Her voice is calm and steady, sounding a bit persuasive. I stop trying to get away and stare at her for a second, giving her a small nod. Then, I lay my head down on her chest.

"What... What do I do?"

"Just close your eyes and let your mind go blank. Just don't think." I nod and close my eyes. After a few minutes of silence I drift off into sleep.

~~~~~~~~a few hours later~~~~~~~
Jasper's P.O.V

After a few hours of sleeping, I wake up and try to stretch. Before I can move much, I feel something shift on my chest. I look down and see Peridot lying on top of me. A smile spreads across my face and I chuckle. Peridot shifts again and I try to move out from under her. She gives a small whine in return and holds on to me so I don't move. I sigh and shake her gently. "Hey, Peridot. Wake up."

She whines again, but reluctantly opens her eyes. She looks up at me, her eyes blurry and half closed. I feel a blush come to my face and she smiles. "What is it? Is everything okay?" I smile and nod.

"Everything's fine. I just wanted to wake you up. We've been asleep for a while." She nods and sits up, stretching out and wincing slightly.

"Ow... What the hell?" I look a bit concerned. She then takes off the limb enhancers on her arms. "Ow... Okay, I can't sleep with those on. They hurt me." After taking the arm enhancers off, she takes the ones on her legs off. I smile and chuckle, she notices and frowns at me. "What? Why are you laughing?"

"Nothing. I just think you're... Cute... Without those on." Her face turns a deep shade of green and she looks away. I chuckle and turn her back. "Don't look away." She stares at me but nods in compliance.

I smile and sit up with Peridot sitting in my lap. She's looking down and twiddling her thumbs, obviously trying to avoid eye-contact. I gently lift her head to look at me, then wrap my arms around her waist. She looks at me, her face deep green. I smile and lean my face in closer to hers. I get a few inches away, when a loud alarm starts sounding throughout the ship. We both jump and get up quickly, running out of the room and down the corridor to the control room.

(That's right. No smoochy smooch for you guys.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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